|| 10. Plane Ride

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A/N : im so sorry i havent been updating that much lately guys ugh I've been so busy with school especially with like projects cuz i need to make a shirt and shorts in my tle class and like a ppt in science and anddhsauidhasudaiskl

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A/N : im so sorry i havent been updating that much lately guys ugh I've been so busy with school especially with like projects cuz i need to make a shirt and shorts in my tle class and like a ppt in science and anddhsauidhasudaiskl


"All aboard," the announcement echoed through the plane's speakers, prompting a line of students to make their way through the door and onto the aircraft.

"I'm getting sick already," Harry groaned in exasperation, the boy having taken a motion-sickness pill a few minutes earlier.

"Oh, poor Potter can't handle a little movement?" Draco's voice chimed in from behind the line, earning an eye-roll from Harry.

"Oh shut up, Draco!" Y/N's retort was quick, her words laced with annoyance as she shot a glare in his direction.

"Don't mind him, he's being an arse like always," Ron whispered to Harry, the two exchanging a knowing look. 

"Good on ya, Y/N, for dropping him as a friend," Ron added, his approval evident in his tone. Y/N simply shrugged her shoulders in response, 

Y/N's shrug was nonchalant. "Wasn't worth the drama."

As they finally stepped onto the plane, the atmosphere shifted from banter to excitement. Hermione added her perspective, "Well, at least this trip should distract us from any arse-like behavior."

"I doubt that," Harry sighed in response, his tone a mixture of resignation and humor, the group making their way into the plane.

Aurora's voice cut through the conversation, her tone tinged with confusion, "Where are you going? I thought you were boarding first class." She tugged on Y/N's wrist, expecting her friend to settle next to her.

"I switched seats with Dan," Y/N explained, a calm nonchalance in her voice.

Aurora's expression shifted, her surprise evident. "Well— how are we gonna sit together then? I booked first class too because I wanted to sit next to you," Aurora's words held a tinge of disappointment.

"Sorry," Y/N's response was delivered with a simple honesty. She gently pulled her hand away, unfazed by the turn of events. "Bye! See you when the plane's landed," Y/N bid, offering a wave before she headed off, leaving Aurora looking slightly stunned.

Hermione's voice broke the moment, a smile lighting up Y/N's lips. Multiple flight attendants greeted her as she walked toward Hermione's seat in Economy class. 

"Hey," Y/N murmured, easing into the seat next to Hermione.

"Hey, you sure you don't want to go back to first class?" Hermione inquired, her concern evident in her tone.

"Nah, everywhere's better with you," Y/N's response was casual, accompanied by a playful smirk.

Hermione's eyebrow arched in response to Y/N's comment. "Is that so?" she hummed.

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