|| 22. Midnight Snack Jealousy

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Hermione sat Y/N down on the couch, her arms crossed, and her eyes fixed firmly on the girl

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Hermione sat Y/N down on the couch, her arms crossed, and her eyes fixed firmly on the girl. Her tone was stern as she addressed the issue.

"So when did you intend on telling me about you speaking a whole foreign language?" Hermione questioned, her voice carrying a note of disappointment.

Y/N, however, wasn't willing to open up completely. She retorted with a scoff, "You don't need to know everything."

Hermione raised an eyebrow, her patience waning. "I'm your best friend, yet it doesn't feel like—"

Y/N interrupted her abruptly, challenging their friendship, "Who said you were my best friend?" Hermione was taken aback, her emotions written all over her face.

"Fine. I guess we aren't, I suppose so, too. Because you've never— ever been a good friend, you've been worse these past few weeks, you've been secretive, you told me— no, you promised me that you'd stop making me worry."

Y/N, standing her ground, responded defiantly, "And how does me speaking to snakes worry you?" Her head was held high, and the tension between them hung in the air.

"Will you please, stop acting like a child and open up to me? You promised me, you told me that you'd be a better friend," Hermione pleaded, her voice carrying a touch of desperation. Y/N's expression softened slightly in response to her friend's plea.

"It's like you're doing it on purpose," Hermione mumbled, her brows furrowing.

"Doing what on purpose?" Y/N questioned, genuinely curious.

"Leaving me out of everything!" Hermione spat out her frustration. "It's like you don't even trust me," she whispered, her voice cracking slightly. "You can tell Ron and Harry everything on your mind, but why can't you do that with me?"

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, caught off guard by Hermione's emotions. A momentary silence hung in the air as they both processed their feelings. "That's not true," Y/N finally replied, though Hermione rolled her eyes in frustration, indicating that she wasn't fully convinced.

Hermione's frustration simmered beneath the surface as she folded her arms tightly. The air between them remained charged with tension.

Y/N sighed, realizing the gravity of Hermione's words. "Look, it's not that I don't trust you," she admitted, her voice softer now, less defensive. "It's just... some things are complicated, Hermione. I can't explain it all right now."

"Complicated?" Hermione echoed, her curiosity piqued. Y/N nodded in response.

"I just..." Y/N struggled with her words, a hint of discomfort evident in her expression. "Feel weird around you," she whispered, causing Hermione to look perplexed.

"So I make you uncomfortable?" Hermione asked, a touch of hurt in her voice. Y/N hastened to clarify.

"No, not uncomfortable," Y/N began. "It's just that... you make me feel... more," she said, struggling to find the right words. "I just... feel more emotions when I'm with you. And, it's weird. I'm not used to it."

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