|| 35. I Love You (FINAL CHAPTER)

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Amaryllis : Excited to go back home?

Y/N : not really

Amaryllis : 😒

Y/N : im kidding mom
of course i am

Amaryllis : Tell Hermione that I'll be making her favorite tea when you two arrive!

Y/N : wow huh

Amaryllis : What?

Y/N : u have a surprise for her but not for me

Amaryllis : You've had enough tea in your life.
You don't even like tea!

Y/N : yeah but

Amaryllis : Oh please.

Y/N : favoritism

Amaryllis : She's basically my second daughter.
Be safe on the train home, love you xx

Y/N : lyt mom


The day before the students were to head home for the summer break had arrived. The excitement in the air was palpable, as everyone prepared for the final feast of the school year. Y/N was particularly eager for the break, knowing that she had exchanged contact information with Harry. She had extended an invitation for him to visit her anytime, though he had explained that with the Dursleys, such visits would be impossible.

With her phone in hand, Y/N made her way to the Great Hall for the feast. Her hair had been expertly styled by Aurora and the other girls, and she was grateful that their experiment had turned out well. She certainly didn't want to look like a disheveled raccoon in front of everyone.

Y/N couldn't help but think about her Flame Blessing, which had grown stronger. Although her energy levels were still somewhat low, she had experienced a significant boost in her abilities. In her room, she had been working on a watch that would showcase her magical stats. It was a venture into the world of technology, something she wasn't particularly well-versed in, but she was determined to make it work.

Her thoughts then turned to her mother, Amaryllis. Amaryllis had always been busy, and Y/N couldn't remember spending much quality time with her. However, she understood that her mother's efforts were aimed at providing her with a comfortable and privileged life.

Y/N loved her mother deeply, but there was an emotional barrier between them. Amaryllis had never taught Y/N how to communicate her feelings, often shielding her from adult conversations and topics.

Despite this, Y/N had developed a persistent personality. She constantly tried to prove her maturity and capability to handle complex subjects. It had led her to grow up faster than most her age, taking care of her mental well-being and self-reliance.

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