|| 15. Weak

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Y/N strolled through the bustling streets of Manila, flanked by Aaron and Alyssa, who were showing her around the city

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Y/N strolled through the bustling streets of Manila, flanked by Aaron and Alyssa, who were showing her around the city. She stole a glance at her buzzing phone, noticing the flurry of missed calls and text messages from her concerned friends and professor. They were understandably worried about her sudden disappearance during their trip as she had spent the night at the Sartes' household.

With a sly smile, Y/N turned to Aaron. "I bet your mom wasn't too thrilled, huh?"

Aaron chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. "Could you tell? The screaming was a dead giveaway."

Alyssa chimed in, her playful tone matching Y/N's humor. "Well, we might have disrupted the peace a bit."

Y/N couldn't help but grin. "Despite the chaos, the food was amazing. Thanks again for the meal and letting me crash."

Aaron added a touch of sarcasm. "Anytime, really. You know, for the whole 'trying to murder you' thing."

Their banter was interrupted by a group of locals who couldn't help but comment on Y/N's presence.

"Huy, Foreigner!"

(You're so delicious to look at) "Sarap mo tignan!"

(Sister, this guy likes you!) "Ate, crush ka neto!"

Y/N raised an eyebrow, puzzled by the comments, and turned to her friends. "What are they talking about?"

Alyssa rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed. "Don't mind them. They're just being obnoxious." 

(Fuck you, you're all stinky, bitches!) "Pakyu, aasim nyo, mga gago!" Aaron exclaimed, his feet slightly swaying as he flipped the catcallers off.

Y/N watched as Alyssa and Aaron dealt with the overly enthusiastic comments from the strangers. She couldn't help but chuckle at their reactions.

"You get used to it," Aaron said with a shrug once the two strangers had moved on. "Filipino culture can be quite direct," he added.

"A touch of catcalling," Alyssa chimed in. "And creepy old men," she hummed out.

Y/N grinned. "Well, not that far off from London and America, then,"

"Mostly," Alyssa replied with a wink.

As they continued their stroll through the bustling streets of Manila, Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected turn of events. What had started as a bizarre and potentially dangerous encounter had turned into an unusual friendship. 

"It's WSUAMP," Aaron whispered, his finger pointing toward a picturesque scene of lush greenery, vibrant flowers, and majestic hills and mountains. Butterflies danced through the air, adding to the enchanting atmosphere.

Y/N was awestruck. "This is the entrance? There's more?" she whispered in amazement, her eyes wide with wonder.

Aaron and Alyssa exchanged knowing smiles. "Just the beginning," Aaron teased, hinting at the breathtaking adventures that awaited them beyond this captivating entrance.

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