|| 34. Big Sister

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"Can you show me your skills?" Harry asked as they strolled across the bridge near the lake, his curiosity piqued.

Y/N nodded, extending her palm and tapping on it with her finger as if it were a control panel. A screen appeared, displaying a notification that read "two new skills unlocked."

"Two? But I thought I only unlocked weapon enchantment," Y/N said, tilting her head in confusion.

"Check it out," Harry suggested, and they came to a brief stop in their walk.

"What's... Basilisk Splash?" Y/N muttered, her brow furrowing.

"I don't know. Try to invoke it or something," Harry suggested. Y/N looked hesitant.

"I can't," she admitted.

"Why not?" Harry inquired.

"I'm not sure I'm strong enough," she confessed, downplaying her abilities, afraid of embarrassing herself if she attempted it. "I couldn't even summon Phoenix Burst earlier in the Chamber. Basilisk Splash sounds pretty intense."

"You won't know until you try," Harry said with a shrug. "I'll help you concentrate. Close your eyes."

Y/N took a deep breath and closed her eyes, her focus sharpening. Harry placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and whispered, "You've got this."

She repeated the incantation, "Basilisk Splash," softly at first, almost as if testing the waters. As she spoke the words, a rush of power surged within her. It felt like a dam breaking, and suddenly, she could sense the magic flowing through her in a way she hadn't before.

Her focus strained slightly, her brow furrowing, before an unexpected thought crossed her mind, making her heart skip a beat.

Hermione Granger.

Y/N extended her hand, envisioning what she wanted to achieve. A burst of fire erupted from the lake, making her whip her head to the side, creating a massive splash, and a colossal serpent emerged from the water. It loomed over them, a breathtaking display of magical prowess.

But as quickly as it came, it disappeared, almost immediately draining all of Y/N's energy.

"Woah," Harry mumbled, his eyes wide.

Y/N's knees wobbled slightly as she leaned over the bridge. "Woah," she repeated, her voice filled with awe and exhaustion.


"I'll catch up later, see you," Y/N said as she had both hands in her pockets. Harry nodded and walked away.

Y/N turned to the side, looking up, almost hesitant as she walked into the Hospital Wing. She bit her lip slightly, her head ducked down as she played with the texture of her pockets with a small hum.

"Ah, Y/N, what brings you here?" Madam Pomfrey greeted.

"Is... Agil unpetrified, yet?" Y/N asked, tilting her head to look at the older woman.

"Ah, Agil Crimson, yes, she's right over there," Madam Pomfrey confirmed with a smile. Y/N gave her an appreciative nod before walking into the Hospital Wing, passing multiple beds where the unpetrified students greeted her.

She walked up to a curtained bed, where she had visited a few times less than she'd like. Maybe it was her ego or pride that she couldn't bring herself to visit Agil, but a part of her felt guilty for treating her so harshly.

She pushed the curtains, and Agil immediately turned around before her face fell. "Oh, hi," she said, her brow furrowed as she looked at the girl.

"Hi," Y/N murmured with a wave of her hand.

Agil stared at Y/N for a moment, her expression a mix of surprise and uncertainty. "You... came to see me?" she asked, her voice soft.

Y/N nodded, her gaze focused on her shoes. "Yeah," she mumbled, suddenly feeling a bit awkward.

Agil's face slowly broke into a hesitant smile. "That's... unexpected," she admitted.

"Yeah, well, I figured I owed you an apology," Y/N said, finally looking up and meeting Agil's eyes. "I was pretty harsh to you, and I shouldn't have been."

"That's a pretty half-assed apology," Agil said plainly, her eyes fixed on the girl she once considered a sister. She felt her trust had been betrayed by the countless chances Y/N had squandered and the hurtful words she had uttered.

Y/N, not particularly skilled at apologies, found herself stumbling over her words, her hand nervously scratching the back of her neck as she searched for the right way to express herself.

"You mentioned owing me an apology, but I haven't heard the words," Agil deadpanned.

Y/N's lips parted, and she lowered her head slightly while still maintaining eye contact with Agil. "I'm-" she began, her voice wavering. "I'm sorry," she finally managed to say.

Agil regarded her with a blank expression. "For what?" she inquired, her tone reminiscent of a mother catching her child in a misdeed, hands firmly on her hips.

"For treating you poorly and acting as if you didn't matter," Y/N admitted awkwardly, offering a small, self-deprecating smile.

A moment of silence ensued, interrupted only by Agil's sudden burst of laughter. Y/N looked bewildered, but Agil soon explained, "You looked so serious; I couldn't resist."

"You don't have to talk to me just because you pity me, you know. I understand that our dad cheated on your mom, and I'm the product of his affair," Agil reassured. However, Y/N shook her head.

"Agil, you're so much more than the result of an affair," Y/N asserted, her tone unwavering. This declaration caught Agil slightly off guard.

Agil regarded Y/N with a mix of surprise and curiosity, her skepticism giving way to a glimmer of hope. She shifted on her hospital bed, a pensive look on her face.

"You really mean that?" Agil asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Y/N nodded, her sincerity evident in her gaze. "Absolutely. I may have said and done hurtful things in the past, but that doesn't define who you are or your worth."

Agil's expression softened as she absorbed Y/N's words. For a moment, they simply looked at each other, the weight of their shared history hanging in the air.

"I guess... I've always wanted a sister," Agil admitted, her voice quieter now.

Y/N felt a surge of relief and a genuine smile graced her lips. "I guess I've always wanted one too."

"So can I call you my big sister now?" Agil said with a smirk.

Y/N rolled her eyes playfully. "I implore you, don't, that's just cringe."


Y/N entered her dorm room, greeted by the familiar scent of her damp and dirty robes. They had seen better days and had a rather unpleasant odor. She quickly discarded them into the laundry basket by the door, leaving her in just her polo shirt and skirt.

Aurora, who seemed to have just woken up, raised her head from her pillow and groggily asked, "Where have you been?"

Y/N replied with a nonchalant tone, "Just... you know, snakes." Aurora looked puzzled but decided to pull her blanket back over herself and return to sleep.

Sophie, sitting on the study desk, broke the silence, reflecting on the passing of their second year at Hogwarts. She mused, "Second year's over already."

Y/N couldn't resist a teasing remark, saying, "Yet you still have the mind of a first." This earned her a playful glare from Sophie.

"Sassy, I didn't even say anything!" Sophie whined, her expression turning into a frown.

Y/N couldn't help but smirk at her friend's reaction. The familiar banter in the dorm room brought a sense of normalcy and comfort after the year's adventures and challenges. They were ready to enjoy their summer break and look forward to the next year at Hogwarts, whatever it might bring.


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