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When Park Jimin went outside to take a business call, Song Areum had just finished her food. She grabbed her phone and her eyes bulged when she saw the amount of missed calls from her grandfather and Park Jennie.

She gulped nervously. Her grandfather wasn't a simple man. He probably thought she had been kidnapped and murdered by Song Areum. His private sources would surely have told him about what happened, especially the wine incident at the banquet.

Song Areum took a deep breath and called her grandfather. It was picked up on the first ring, but strangely enough, the line was silent.

She bit her bottom lip in confusion. "Grandfather? Are you there?" She shuffled in her bed to shift to a more comfortable position and prepared herself for an earful.

When she was met with silence, she glanced at her phone to double check that it had connected. It is.

"Uhm, grandfather?"

"Hm, that's strange. I don't have a granddaughter." Song Yun Gak's completely serious and deathly calm voice nearly made Song Areum sigh. He was really petty.

"I apologize, Sir. It seems I've called the wrong number-"

"Speak." Song Yun Gak interrupted, his lips twitching to smile. Originally, he was furious that she had disappeared for three days leaving a trail of crazy headlines published about her, and, a long line of wrinkles on his forehead. He was incredibly worried about her, especially when his private forces couldn't locate her.

Even as Song Areum spoke, her phone was being tracked.

"Did you see the headlines?" Song Areum started off, wondering where she should begin her long story.

Song Yun Gak hummed. "If you're talking about your potential partnership with that brat, Park Jaemin, then yes, I have seen the incredibly foolish headlines." He muttered, like a petty grandfather. He was unhappy about hearing her partner to the banquet was none other than the man who saved Song Corporation's stock market.

Ahn Jae-Hwan nearly heaved a sigh. Did his boss have to insult someone so high up? He knew Song Yun Gak had a close relationship with the Park elder but wondered if they were close enough to be on an insult basis.

"His name is Park Jimin, grandfather. And well... you're not wrong. Haha...ha." Song Areum nervously laughed, her voice going a shrill too high.



Neither of them spoke for a few seconds until Song Yun Gak sighed. "I want to hear the full story from the beginning to the end." He leaned his head on his fist, a dark frown on his face. Why was his granddaughter a magnet for powerful businessmen? First, it was Song Areum and now it was Park Jimin. He knew he should've expected this with her beautiful face and impressive business acumen.

Song Areum started her narration from the hospital call by Park Jennie, donating blood, the gift war, the wine pour at the party, Park Jimin swooping in as her savior, and up to the point where she suddenly fainted.

By the time she was done, Song Yun Gak had an incredibly dark expression on his face. It was as if there was a storm cloud over his head. His expression was so frightening, even Ahn Jae-Hwan gulped.

"That Choi scum did what?" He seethed, slamming his hand onto the wooden desk beside him.

Ahn Jae-Hwan was startled at the light cracks that formed on the surface.

That must've hurt Song Yun Gak's hand but he didn't even flinch from the impact. He was so angry, he wasn't aware of the physical pain.

"Grandpa, was that the only thing you heard?" Song Areum teased, in hopes of lightening the atmosphere. She couldn't afford for him to get so angry as it wasn't good for his blood pressure.

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