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Song Areum could feel his occasional glances when she was washing the dishes. She knew what they were suggesting. The chemistry between them was hard to ignore, especially when he always looked at her with the warmest and adoring gaze. She wasn't oblivious to his endless pampering, but she was fearful of the idea of love. The first time she decided to give her heart to a man, he returned it to her broken and stomped into fine dust.

Lost in her daydream, she didn't realize Park Jimin had gotten up from the couch to walk towards her.

She stiffened when she felt his warm hand on her lower back.

He was standing very close to her, to the point where she caught wafts of his intoxicating scent. Surprisingly, the familiar shower gel gave off the comforting scent of freshly peeled tangerine tangled with a refreshing oceanic smell that she had gotten accustomed to.

She gulped, trying her best to focus on the task at hand, despite the fact that her brain was beginning to become muddled by his scent and the warm hand on her back.

"What are you doing afterward?" He asked her, deliberately initiating physical contact and leaning closer to her. He was pleased that she had made no effort to swat his hand away or distance herself from his touch. They had truly progressed more than he thought.

"I'm not sure yet." She answered him as she continued wiping the dishes dry, ignoring his intense stare and the hand on her lower back. She enjoyed his comforting touch.

"Mm, then go somewhere with me." He smiled at her empty schedule.

"Go somewhere? Where?" She curiously asked him, never once lifting her head to make eye contact. For an odd reason, she couldn't bring herself to look at him. She felt like she was back to her adolescence and was too shy to look at her crush.

"Do you have a place in mind?" He asked her, willing to take her as far as the ends of the Earth.

Song Areum tilted her head at his words, thinking to herself for a while. She thought about a place she hadn't visited before.

Was this a date? Is he asking her out? What kind of place should she pick? She didn't want to go somewhere plain and boring like a fancy restaurant. The movies didn't seem like a bad idea, but there wasn't anything available that she was interested in seeing.

"The amusement park...?" She suggested, not sure where her sudden desire came from. Her mind just drifted to that idea because she had never visited one before.

It was a silly idea because many people would go to one when they were kids. But her childhood was marred by the indifference and hatred from her parents. On top of that, the endless training to become the perfect young lady and a future matriarch left her little to no break time. The privilege to enjoy her childhood was not something she had.

"The amusement park?" Park Jimin repeated, surprised at the idea.

Speaking of the amusement park, he had also never been to one. In his childhood, he didn't have time to spend it on something as foolish as riding things that would give him an adrenaline rush.

His schedule was always filled with private tutoring lessons, learning how to handle Park Enterprise, accompanying his grandfather to the underworld, and honing his "hobbies".

He smiled at the unique idea. "Sure, let's go there." He pulled out his phone to text Seung Woo to clear his entire schedule for the rest of the day.

Back in Park Enterprise, Seung Woo was pacing back and forth outside of his boss's office, anxiously biting his nails as he awaited the arrival of his boss.

Park Jimin Daring Wife || PJM ✔️ (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now