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"Why does Eun Ha Won’s voice sound so close to you?" Song Areum could not help it anymore. Her possessiveness got the best of her, just like Park Jimin’s did at Sky Arc Complex.

"She’s my personal assistant. She has to be."

Her mouth dropped at his words. "Okay, but she does she have to sit directly next to you?"

"My dear, you have to calm down—"

"Or you could just not anger me every few seconds, then maybe I can finally be calm!" Song Areum did not wait for his reply before hanging up the phone.

She didn’t bother going to Cerulean Water Pavillion or his house for the matter. She refused to go to a place where he could easily find her. She also did not go to her grandfather’s place, for he would question her the split second she walked into the door.

Song Areum made a quick-stop at Sky Arc Complex, grabbing the clothes and accessories she would wear tomorrow. She then hopped into her car and made a full detour around the city, nearly wasting all of her gas in an attempt to throw off anyone that was probably following her. Eventually, she drove to a five-star hotel, where she got a penthouse suite and collapsed onto the bed.

She could hear her phone buzz off every few seconds and she planned on ignoring it until the sound eventually got too tiring and she stood up to grab it. Turning it over, she rolled her eyes when she saw it was Park Jimin telling her he was willing to go home if she wanted him to. She ignored his text and focused on a few other ones.

Her eldest uncle had texted her again, asking to have dinner at the same restaurant she had gone with him, her father, and grandfather a few weeks back. She remembered it was the same night she stormed off with Lee Ha Jun, the same night her father’s words cut her more than the words of her enemies. She squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to remember his hateful phrases.

[Areum, Uncle is very happy you agreed. This sounds very impatient of me, but when do you plan on giving me his contact? We can talk it out during lunch tomorrow.]

Song Areum typed back. [Uncle, there is no need for lunch. This is his contact.] She passed it off without much care in the world and just then, Park Jimin texted her again.

[Where are you? The housekeepers of both Cerulean Waters Pavilion and my house said you did not come home.]

She scoffed, of course, he would keep tabs on her. [What? Is Eun Ha Won boring you?] At this, he called her. She stared at it, debating if she wanted to pick up, but decided against it. If she heard Eun Ha Won’s voice in the background, she would truly lose her patience. She declined it. He called again. She declined again.

She typed "Go back to work," and switched off the notifications of her phone, placing it face down on the nightstand.

She felt her stomach grumble in hunger, but didn’t bother to care. She took a shower and went to bed, ignoring the fact that her text message had ignited a blazing trail of fury, the first people being burnt were Park Jimin’s poor employees upon whom he unleashed his wrath.

- - - - -

Song Areum woke up later than planned. She cursed out loud, hurriedly taking a morning shower and placing her clothes on. She did a light layer of makeup and thoroughly did her hair, curling it in a natural wave before tying it up and spritzing on some perfume, knowing it would drive Park Jimin crazy.

She gave herself a final look in the mirror, satisfied with what she saw. She wore a loose and flowy white top tucked into a pastel pink pencil skirt that stopped a bit above her knees, giving her a slight hourglass figure, paired with low heels.

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