You called?

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I got up and looked at my bedside table. A picture sat perfectly slanted to face my bed, the words "SBF's for life!" Read across it. A picture of me and my best friend Stan Marsh was in the frame, and I was sitting atop his shoulders. A smile grew on my face as I gazed upon it. I grabbed my phone from the shelf under it and unplugged the cord, getting up as I did. The vibration startled me, I clicked the power button to reveal a message from stan,

Stan: "Hey Ky, you up yet???"

I rolled my eyes as I saw when the message was sent, 3:00 a.m. I shook my head as I wrote:

"Stan, why were you up at 3:00 a.m.?"

I saw his profile picture as the message popped up and said,

Stan: "It doesn't matter, just hurry up so we can walk to the bus stop."

I chuckled and got ready, pulling my green ushanka over my orange mop of hair. I grabbed my backpack and walked downstairs to see my brother Ike and my mother sitting at the breakfast table. My mother looked at me and smiled.

"Oh hi Kyle, you going to see your little friend Stan?"

I nodded and smiled back, Ike stuck his tongue out at me as I almost turned. I rolled my eyes in his direction and said goodbye to both of them, I heard Ikes giggle from behind me as I closed the door.
I made my way next door to Stan's house and knocked politely on the door. Stan's father Randy answered the door with a grin and places one of his hands on my shoulder, he smiled and said,

" OH KYLE, it is very good to see you kid, Stan is almost ready!"

I thanked him as I saw Stan walking down the steps. He looked at me and grinned, pushing his father out of the way with a hug. Randy giggled as he ruffled Stan's raven black hair. He said,

"All right, love you, son!"

Stan repeated the phrase as he walked right next to me.
As we got to the bus stop, we saw 2 people standing there waiting. The first one was a tall blonde in an orange parka that seemed to have holes patched with mitch-match fabric. His name was Kenny Mccormick, Kenny was poor and skinny but a good kid. The kid next to him was the complete opposite though, His name was Eric Cartman, or for me... fat ass. He was a shot stubby fat kid that only cared about himself. We got up to both Kenny and Cartman as Cartman was talking about himself like always. I walked up next to him and he said,

"Oh look Kenny, the two gays are here now!"

His joke was followed by an ugly laugh as I was trying to fight the urge to punch him. Stan must have known I wanted to hit him because he put his hand on my shoulder and shook his head. His lips separated as he mouthed,

"It's not worth it."

I rolled my eyes as I let cartman continue to talk shit. The bus had finally arrived and we all got on, Today was going to be a handful, I can tell. As we got on the bus, the yells of Ms.Crabtree where familiar,

"GET ON THE BUS!" she screamed.

Stan rolled his eyes as he grabbed my hand and pulled me to our seat. We sat down in our seat and a dark haired girl popped up from hers and turned to face Stan. She smiled as Stan became flustered. Her name was Wendy Testaburger and Stan has liked her since 3rd grade. Stan and Wendy have been on and off dating since the 3rd grade but they have recently decided to take a break. I get mad every time they get back together, Stan has gotten his heart broken by Wendy so many times but he always runs back when she apologizes, ive been there to help Stan through every one. Wendy starts to giggle as she talks to Stan.
Her friend next her name, Bebe Stevens starts to look over her chair at me, Bebe has liked me for a while but I havent returned the feelings, Wendy and Stan have tried to get us together so many times thought. Bebe lookes at me and grins,

"Hi kyle."

she says as she smirks. I shrug my shoulders and greet her back, scoffing as I turn my head to face Stan and Wendy.
They were still laughing and talking until Ms. Crabtree slammed on the breaks in front of the school, slamming Wendy and Bebe into the seats infront of them. I let out a small chuckle as Stan gets out of his seat to help Wendy and make sure she was ok. It looked like Bebe was waiting for me to help her but I got up and left the bus, rolling my eyes in the process. I roll my eyes quite often to the point were my mom said my eyes would roll to the back of my head, I don't believe that though. I stand outside of the bus as I wait for Stan and Wendy.

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