Guitar Heroes

678 16 47

As the 2nd too last bell rang, everyone got up out of there seats to leave for the day. It was kinda weird that they set 2 bells for leaving, its like they think people would forget too. I walked out with Stan who was talking to Wendy.

"Hey Ky, you wanna come over today and play guitar hero?"

I looked up at Stan who was looking at me with a slanted head.

"Ya dude, why not- I finished my homework so I should be able too."

His smile grew wider when I said that and I could feel my face heat up again. I don't know why it was though, that was the problem.


The last bell rang and me and Stan where long out of the school. We decided too walk home because we didn't feel like listening to Ms.Crabtree complain. As we walked down the street I felt someone grab my hand, ofcouse it was Stan. I jumped a bit but realized we had done this a million of times- why was it now scaring me...

"You ok ky, I can let go-"

"Um no! Your fine, it just startled me that's all..." I said.

He looked forward again as I held my head low. I felt my face heat up again- 3 times today... what's wrong with me! I just look up at Stan and back down- I don't know what's wrong with me...


As we enter his bedroom, he opens his closet and grabs 2 guitars for the game. I grab mine from him and sit on his bed, adjusting the buttons and the strap on the back. He looks at me confused-

"Are we playing or are you just going to adjust things that can't be adjusted?"

I laugh and stand back up while plugging the remote into his Xbox. He plays a song that we both love dearly- "Little talks" by Of Monsters and Men.
I don't know why we loved this song so much, it was just really good. As the song played I started to sing the girls lines without noticing- I hear Stan sing with me-

Ky- "I don't like walking around this old and empty house-"

Stan-"So hold my hand, I'll walk with you my dear!"

My face lit up red as we continued to sing the lyrics-

(Author- I'm not writing the whole song fuck that 🤭)


As the song ended I placed my guitar down to take a break. Stan stared at me with a smile which made me blush. As we hung out, the time had gone by fast and I had too go home.

"Alright Stan, see you tomorrow!"

"Alright dude, see you tomorrow!"

I walked out of his house and went too mine which was conveniently right next to his. I open the door too see my mom and Ike sitting on the couch. Ike looked at me and said,

"How was it at your boyfriends house?"

I looked at him in confusion and said,

"Stan isn't my boyfriend, I'm not gay Ike-"

He rolled his eyes and I had had enough. I walked up to my room and got ready for bed since it was 9:30 p.m. already.


As I got out of the shower, I brushed my teeth and blow dried my hair. I hopped out of the bathroom and got into bed, holding my phone over my face. I was messaging Stan.

Stan: "Dude we did good on that song

"Ya we did, obviously 🙄"

Stan: " Ya ya whatever, hey do you mind if I come over rn"

"Dude I'm trying too sleep 😩"

Stan: "Cool, I'll take that as a yes 🤭"

I close my phone and roll my eyes- I just wanted sleep. A few minutes I can hear pebbles being thrown at my window and I open it. I see Stan on the ground trying to climb the tree too my window. As he gets in he plops himself on my bed and pants like it was a workout. I laugh as he sticks his tongue out at me.

"OK, sorry I'm here- my parents where fighting really loud and I couldn't take it... Shelley is going to text me when I can come back."

I nodded my head and said,

"Well what do you want to do..?"

He grabbed my game controllers and we played for and hour.


Stan looks at his phone too see a message from Shelley giving him the ok to come back. He opens my window and climbs back down the tree and waves to me goodbye, I wave back.

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