Its finally over- probably

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As they run out, no one follows- no one cared, they honestly deserved it. The night went on and we all had a good time...

"You ok hun...?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked back up to my boyfriend.

He was holding me and smiling.

"Ya, it's just... it's crazy that all of this has happened... I know it's not like a major situation... but just the fact that Wendy would do something like this- all because you were dating me..." I said.

He chuckled and shrugged.

"I don't care... I'm just pissed that they decided to mess with you." He said.

I nodded and we sat with each other and drank for the remaining hour we had.


Where am I? Did I... pass out... I woke up next to Stan in his bed and didn't have any clothes on. Did we get drunk last night? I felt Stan move and grab my waist and woke up.

"What the- ky?" He said.

"Did we... were we?"

I nodded and laughed.


I rolled my eyes and kissed his forehead. I got up and walked into his bathroom, I started running the water and earned out to Stan laying in bed and staring at me.

"So... wanna cuddle or something?" I asked.

He opened his arms and gestured for me to come to him. I hopped into the sheets and snuggled up to him. I have fallen deep for Stan.

(A/N: Sorry this chapter was a little short. This is the end of the story and I hope you enjoyed it, thanks to everyone who read and is continuing to read my book! Here is some eepy Stan for y'all <3)

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