Not a chance!!!

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Lunch was over and Me, Stan, and Butters finally made it back to the Cafeteria. We caught up with Kenny and the others and walked outside. I looked around with Stan and he pointed at a pink hat that was hanging off of a girl's head. That had to be Wendy. I ran over to a tree and made sure Wendy couldn't see me. Stan walked over to her and greeted her with an awkward hug. He looked over to me and I gave him a thumbs up.

"Listen, Stan, I know what I did to you was wrong and I just really wanted to say sorry, I shouldn't have cheated on you and I wanted to try again with us."

My heart pounded, he better say no-

"I'm sorry Wendy, I still love you very much... but we've done this so many times, we always break up and you always get with another boy... then when they break up with you, you come crawling back to me because you know I will take you back... not this time."

Wendy looked at him dumbfounded and then clenched her fists.

"Stan, I love you, a lot... just give us another chance!"

Stan shook his head no and tried to walk away but Wendy grabbed his arm and pulled him onto a kiss which Stam struggled to get out of. He pushed Wendy off of him and wiped his mouth, sticking his tongue out in disgust. Wendy smiles and said,

"Well... if you throw up that means you still love me, so I guess we just wait."

Stan looked at her and shook his head.

"Not this time Wendy."

He walked away and gestured for me to follow him. Wendy stood there and cried. I kinda felt bad for her. I walked next to Stan as we tried to find the others.

"Welcome to the single gang Stan, members consist of me and you!"

Stan looked at me and chuckled. I looked at him and then looked forward.

"You're still coming over again tonight right?" Stan said.

I nodded and said, "Of course I am, I have something to tell you later."

"Why can you tell me now?" He said.

"I don't want anyone else hearing it idiot." I said.

"I knew you were hiding something, I'm so smart!"

He leaned back while walking, placing his arms on top of his head. I rolled my eyes as we found Kenny and the others.

"Where were you guys?" Tolkien said.

"Talking to Wendy." Stan said.

They nodded and continued to talk. 2 minutes later we saw Craig and Tweek walk out with bandages. I ran over to Tweek and examined the bruise he had on the side of his face.

"Are you ok Tweek, dear God you guys look terrible!" I said.

"Y-ya w-were fine k-k-kyle!" Tweek said frantically. "Craig k-kissed it t-to make i-it fe-feel better."

I looked over to Craig who was kissing Tweeks hands and I smiled. Tweek and Craig were so cute together. We walked over to the others and Clyde says,


I paused and said, "What?"

"Ya for Kenny, Butters, Craig, and Tweek, me and Tolkien just thought about them!"

My eyes widened as I waited for him to tell us what they were.

"We have Bunny and Creek! They're super cute right!"

I nodded and said, "Ya, they are!"

Kenny stood up and whispered in my ear,

"You and Stan are Style!"

My face became red and I punched Kenny in the stomach.

"Worth it!" He said.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Stan who was confused, I rolled my eyes at him and started to laugh, and he joined in. For the rest of recess, we all just talked about the ship names, and then for some reason, it switched to Tolkien and Kenny. We were making jokes about how Kenny would only date Tolkien for his money and how Tolkien would be the sugar daddy, no one had hard feelings, Butters was laughing the most along with Kenny and Tolkien who were pretending to be together and acting out what would happen. Butters fell off the bench he was sitting on because he was laughing so hard, Kenny ran to him and Butters laughed even harder.


It was almost time for our next class when Cartman came out and tried to swing another punch but Stan caught his hand and told him to stop it. This time the punch was directed toward me for no reason. I gasped and stuck my tongue out at him as Stan blocked every punch from Cartman, it was kinda funny to see Cartman start fights, Stan knew I would beat his ass again so he honestly was protecting Cartman.

(A/N: I'm not going to put the rest of the day in the next chapter, I'm skipping to the end because nothing interesting happens!)

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