Its kyles fault!

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The bell rang for the first class to end and we all got up. Me, Stan, Kenny, and Butters met up with Cartman to go to Ms. ChokesOnDick's class. Ms.ChokesOnDick was a very stern lady that wasn't very fond of Cartman at all, but yet, who was. We all sat down in our assigned seats around the room and looked up. Ms.ChokesOnDick started talking about the lesson we were learning but I looked over to see Stan on his phone. I was confused so I took a peak. He was in the messages app, and at the top it said, "Honey." My jaw dropped as Stan turned to look at me and cover his phone, he mouthed the words,

"Mind your own business dude!"

I closed my mouth and shook my head at him. I took out a piece of paper from my bag along with a pen and wrote,

"Are y'all back together yet?"

He took the pen and wrote, "Working on it."

I chuckled and wrote,
"Thats pretty gay."

He stared at me and punched my arm playfully. I gave him a smug look as I pushed myself into his shoulder to see what he had written to Wendy. Stan quickly held his phone up and Ms.ChokesOnDick spotted it. I quickly got up and sat straight while Stan tried to hide his phone, Ms.ChokesOnDick walked over to us and placed her hand out, gesturing to hand over the phone. Stan sadly gave the phone to her as she walked away, she placed it on her desk and continued the lesson. I looked at Stan and apologize, he shrugged it off and placed his hand under his chin. I kinda felt bad for messing with him and getting him caught with his phone. I looked back at the front and started to pay attention to the class again.


The class finally ended and Ms.ChokesOnDick handed Stan back his phone. Stan tapped the button to see 7 unread messages from Wendy. They all read-

"LOL that's funny"
"Stan you ok?"
"Stan what happened?"
"Why aren't you answering me?"
"You cunt, you really don't care!"
"I'm sorry, I lost my temper, just answer me soon please-"

Stan looked worried and wrote back,

"I'm so sorry Wendy, I got my phone taken away because of Ky, let's hang out for lunch!!"

I read what he wrote but he pulled his phone away before I could see Wendy's reply. I walked away a little upset that he would blame me for that, I mean I did mess with him but honestly he shouldn't have had it out to begin with. I walked out of the class with Stan while Cartman, Kenny, and Butters walked out behind us. We got to the cafeteria and Stan departed from the group to hang with Wendy.

"Aww poor Kahl- his boyfriend left for a woman!!"

I turned to Cartman and yelled,


I swung a punch but then Chef said, "CHILDREN, why are you fighting??

I turned to look at him and said, "Hello Chef, tell Cartman that I'm not gay for Stan!!"

He paused and asked,

"...Well are you?"

I shook my head no and he said,

"Well damn, Cartman, you can't say untrue things like that, let me sing you a song-"

I cut him off,

"Chef, not now please, can I just get my lunch."

He patted my shoulder and placed the food on my tray. Everyone followed after me to the table and Butters pats my back.

"Listen fellas, let's not fight please-"

I nodded and ate my lunch quietly while everyone talked. I didn't feel comfortable with the subject of me and Stan, we've been called gay so many times, but for some reason now it started to bother me more... like it was true- I knew it wasn't though.

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