You just found that out?

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As I watch Stan walk away I plop down onto my bed and plug my phone in for tomorrow. I stare at the ceiling and close my eyes. Usually I can sleep fine, but for some reason tonight I couldn't. My mind was focused on Stan and only Stan. Weird thoughs flowed through my head, i didn't know if it was a dream- it consisted of me and Stan kissing, cuddling, holding hands, and just... Him. I tossed and turned at these dreams and then got up and screamed. Sweat dripped from my face.


My dad ran in and sat next to me on my bed.

"Dad I think... I might like Stan."

My fingers fidgetted as my dad grabbed them and smiled at me, he looks at me and says,

"You just found that out?"

I froze- what- what does he mean I just found that out. I heard my mom and Ike come in and asked what was wrong, My dad told them and they gasped.

"Kyle- we already knew." Ike said.

I threw a pillow at him and he caught it. They all hug me and walk out of the room- I grab my phone and open my text labeled- "Gay people" the chat consisted of Kenny, Butters, Tweek and Craig.

"Guys... I like Stan and Idk what to do"

Kenny: "You just found that out-?

Butters: "Wait I thought you knew thay already..."


Tweek: "it's 0k mlye tou dill be dine"

Craig: "Take your time hun."

Tweek: "It's OK kyle, you will be fine :D"

"Thanks guys- I just don't know when I will tell him, I mean he still likes Wendy...-

Craig: "He doesn't like Wendy, if he truly liked Wendy they would've been together by now, calm down kyle 🖕"


I close my phone and put it back on my nightstand. This is going to be FUN!


I get up at around 6:00 a.m, that gives me enough time go get ready since I have to go at 8. I heard another knock at my window and see Stan dangling from my tree. I hurry and open the window in panic and asked what he was doing here.

"I got bored- are you wearing that too school?"


He chuckled, " Oh, my bad... I can go if you want?"

"No, you can just... uh... I guess wait outside my door-?"

He nods and walks out of my room, I hear him and Ike.

"Where did you come from..?" Ike said.

"The depths of hell!" Stan said, laughing.

"Was he naked in there- Stan what-?"

"No, he still has clothes on Ike, I don't wanna see your brother naked, I'm good."

I chuckled at there conversation as I got out of the room and placed my shoes on.

"You ready?" I said.

Stan nodded while walking me to the door.

"Oh hey Stan, kyle don't you want breakfast?" My mom said.

"I'm not hungry mom, love you!" I say as I ran out of the door with Stan.

While me and Stan walked to the bus stop, I felt butterflies in my stomach and my face heat up- I truly did have a crush on Stan... and while he's with me it just grows and grows. I would tell him but I'm scared of losing my Super Best Friend.


As we get too the bus stop, I see Kenny and Butters but no sign of Cartman.

"Where is fatass??" I ask.

Kenny and Butters shrug as they gave me a smug look and look at Stan and then me again. I give them and angry look and stand next too Kenny with Stan standing next too me.

"SO STAN-" Kenny says, but I kick him to cut him off.

"What's up Ken?" He replies.

"So, how are you and Wendy?" Kenny says.

He shrugged his shoulders and pulls out his phone and opens the messages with Wendy, he hands me the phone and at the top it says Honey, with the text reading-

Honey: "Hey Stan- someone told me that you wanted to get back together?"

"Ummm, maybe?"

Honey: "Listen Stan, I just don't think it's gonna work, we break up constantly and I think I just need a break-"

He didn't respond after that, takes his phone back and says,

"I understand what she means, but if she didn't want to get back with me then why did she kiss me yesterday and flirt with me... it makes no sense-"

I place my hand on his shoulder and pat his back, I felt bad... even though I liked Stan- I knew he truly likes Wendy. I felt Kenny pull me into him and he whispered in my ear,

"This is your chance Kyle, if he can't be with Wendy he can be with you- I swear he feels the same!"

I shrug my shoulders and say-

"Maybe later Kenny-"

Stan looks at me confused and I give him a awkward smile until the bus came.

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