Why so sad-

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As we all got on the bus we heard Cartman panting and running so he could get on, sadly he made it. Stan's head was held low as he twiddled his thumbs and sighed. I hug him and let him rest his head on my chest, I started to become flustered and my heartbeat started to go faster.

"Dude, why is your heart beating so damn fast-" Stan said

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled. He layer back down and I looked into the window. The bus stops at the next bus stop and Stan somehow was already asleep- it's been like 2 minutes... how did he fall asleep so fast? Wendy and Bebe walk onto the bus and Wendy looks at me in confusion and asked what was wrong.

"Don't worry about it Wendy- it's none of your business."

I felt bad for Stan and knew he probably didn't want to deal with her right now. She rolled her eyes and sat down next to Bebe who was staring at me.

"Are you gay?" Bebe says.

I jump which wakes up Stan. I violently shake my head no, they didn't need to know I was- let alone for my best friend...

"Oh, ok sure." Bebe sat back down.

Stan rubbed his eyes and looked at me. I looked at him and we made eye contact which made both of us red. I turned my head to the front and he grabbed my hand and layer on my shoulder. I knew we weren't dating but this felt so right. We both fell asleep.


As the bus stopped and I heard a phone camera snap. I open my eyes and see Kenny and Butters standing there with their cameras out taking pictures. I jump and let go of Stan's hand. He gets up in confusion and gets off the bus.

"See, he likes you,~" Kenny says.

I roll my eyes and get off with him- today was going to be a long day. I walk to my locker and placed the things I needed in my bag, I look around and see Stan no where. My phone vibrates in my pocket and it's a message from Stan.

Stan: "Come to the bathroom pls-"

I look at the message in confusion and place my phone in my bag, I start to walk to the bathroom. As I open the door I see no one in there. I walk around and are pulled into the third stall. I scream and feel a palm cover my mouth- it's Stan. I lick his hand to make his hand move and say,

"Dude what are you doing in here-?"

I look down at his hand and see a bottle of alcohol in it and he's crying. I didn't know Wendy rejecting him would make him feel this bad- he hands me his phone and it opens to Wendy's texts- the name had changed to "Hoe" and it reads-

Hoe: "I can't lie to you anymore Stan, I want to let you know that while we were together I was cheating on you.  I know that's not ok but I just couldn't get myself to break up with you because I truly care about you- you don't have to answer but I just needed to get that off my chest."

I look back at Stan who had the bottle in his mouth and was chugging it. I grabbed it out of his hand and dumped the rest down the toilet. He looked at me furious and I said,

"Stan- I'm so sorry... but drinking won't help your problem-"

He rolls his eyes and takes his phone back. He unlocks the stall and tumbles out of it falling on the ground. I pull his arm over my shoulder and carry him to out lockers where Kenny and Butters where standing there waiting for us. I grab Stan's phone and unlock it because I know the code. I show the message too Butters and Kenny and they freak out. I look at them and say,

"He's drunk- I caught him drinking in the bathroom, I dumped the rest down the toilet-"

They nod and help me bring Stan to our first class. We set him in the seat and grab his stuff out of his bag to make it seem that he was working. He falls onto the table and falls asleep. I look at him and he grabs my hand again. I just let it happen since he was drunk. I look over to Kenny and say,

"I might take him home early- or take him to my house so he doesn't get in trouble with his mom and dad again."

Kenny nodded and looked back up too the board. I looked down at Stan who was semi awake and I gave him my water bottle. He grabbed it and chugged all the water. He looked at me and said,

"That feels better, thanks ky-"

He kisses me on the cheek and my face becomes red- I know he was still a little drunk but it made me flustered. Kenny turns around and says,

"I saw that by the way, I told you he liked you, the truth always comes out when your drunk."

I roll my eyes and try to forget about the kiss, it meant nothing... he didn't actually know he did it so I wasn't going to make a big deal about it.

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