I just want a shower

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As Stan stepped into the room I sat him down on his bed and backed up, He looked super confused.

"I have something to say... I'm gay!" I say.

Everyone looks at me and smiles, Kenny gave me a thumbs up. Stan looked at me and said,

"I mean I kinda figured but I thought it was just a theory! Good for you dude!"

I smiled and sat next to him. He played his hand over my shoulder and gave me a big hug, I hugged him back. My face felt bright red and I saw Tweek laughing at me for it.

"How did you find out?" Stan said.

"I don't know, there was just this cool guy that I like..."

He gave me a confused look and said, "Who?"

I nudged his shoulder and said, "Oh wouldn't you want to know-"

"No seriously, I would like to know, is it someone in this room?" He says

I shrug at him and smiled. He rolled his eyes and smiled back, practically giving up knowing I wasn't going to tell him yet. It was around 8:00 and everyone had to go.

"Kyle, do you want to stay over?" Stan said.

My face turned red again and I said,

"Not tonight Stan, I got a lot of stuff to do, is that fine?"

He nodded and everyone walked out of his house, we said our goodbyes and walked in the direction of our houses.


I walk inside and see Ike sitting on the floor coloring something.

"What's that Ike?" I said.

"It's just a little doodle I did while you were outside fucking Stan." He said.

I rolled my eyes and walked up the stairs to my room. I placed all my stuff down, opened the curtain to my shower, and started running the water. I heard tiny pebbles at my window and knew it was Stan.

"What Stan??" I said angrily, I just wanted to shower.

"Can I come in?"

I roll my eyes and say,

"I'm trying to shower Stan-"

"It'll only be a minute, please?"

I open the window and let him in, he falls onto my bed and props himself up on the headboard.

"So~ who's the lucky man that my best friend in the world likes~!"

I roll my eyes and say, "Why do you want to know?"

He stands up straight and placed his right hand on his heart,

"So I can help! I mean this person MUST like you!"

I cross my arms and roll my eyes for the billionth time today.

"You know, the more you roll your eyes, the more likely they're gonna get stuck- and that won't help you get with your crush you know-" Stan says.

I laugh and say,

"Is that all you wanted Stan? Cause I would like to get in the shower."

He shakes his head and copies my pose,

"Nope, you have to tell me first before I leave."

I sigh and said, "Well I guess your gonna see me naked because I'm not telling you."

I stopped to think about what I just said, I saw his face turn red and I swung my hands in the air,


I'm screwed- he's gonna find out either way, might as well tell him now. He sits on my bed in excitement and sits formally.

"Well, this person is a complete idiot- I've known him for a long time-"

"Who-?" Stan said.

"Wow, you are an idiot huh." I said, hoping it would've made it obvious.

"Who is it, Kyle?"

Bend down and grab one of my pillows and smacked him with it. His hat fell off and I snatched it away while he was in shock.

"You are an idiot! Oh my God, Stan take the hint!"

He looked at me confused one more time and then his eyes lit up-


I gasped in disgust. There was no point in staying on the subject at this point.

"Stan I have to shower- can you leave?"

I walked to the bathroom but he sprinted to the door and stood as a barrier.


I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek. He stood there with a red face as I waited for him to move. His eyelids dropped halfway and he grabbed my face. I started to panic and my face turned as red as my hair.

"I know who the idiot is-" Stan said.

He looked at me and said,

"Can I?"

Can you what Stan? I nodded wanting to know what he was going to do. He pushed my face closer to his and I could feel his warm breath on my nose. He locked out lips and held them there for about 20 seconds. I finally pulled away and covered my mouth. He smiled and said,

"Was I right?"

I nodded as he cheered. I pushed him and the bathroom door flung open and he fell on his ass.


"Ya, it would be better with you here though~" He said as he winked.

I felt my stomach turn and I helped him up.

"There, y-you know who it is... you can leave now... I just want a shower..."

He laughed and got up. He kissed me on the cheek and hopped out of the window landing on his feet. I closed the window behind him and finally got in the shower.

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