Super Boyfriends??

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As I stood in the shower, I couldn't help but think of how he kissed me. My stomach was still turning and my heart was beating rapidly. I bit my lip to stop thinking of it, I just wanted to finish my shower and get to bed.


I walk out of the shower to see messages from Kenny and Stan. I open Kenny's first to see what he wanted.

Kenny: "Dude yall kiss- what happened."

Kenny: "Stan said yall didn't do anything, is that true?"


Kenny: "Fine!!! Butters told me to leave you alone so bye, imma get laid!!"

I start to laugh as I go to Stan's messages:

Stan: "Hey ky!!! I just realized I kinda left and said nothing, I like you too though!"

Stan: "Don't tell Kenny anything, he's so nosy for no reason SMH 🙄"

Stan: "You done in the shower yet? God damn ky, how clean do you need to be?"

I write back:

"Sorry, Stan, you were the one to hold me from taking a shower 😒"

Stan: "Alr sweet, your back... I got a question though-"


Stan: "Nothing I'll ask you tomorrow at Starks Pond, everyone else wants to go for the weekend so I'll tell you there."

I rolled my eyes and plugged in my phone again, I think I might know what he wants to ask me.


I woke at around 9 a.m. to the sound of my phone ringing, I picked it up and sure enough, it was Stan. I answered and placed it on speaker.

"Dude wake up, we gotta go to Starks Pond remember!"

I rub my eyes and hang up, it was too early to hear him yell right now. I grabbed my orange jacket with my green pants and placed them on the bed. I yawned and put them on, later sliding my shoes on as well. I walk down the stairs to see the only person that was up, Ike. I waved to him and he said,

"You yall finally kissed huh, it's about damn time already Kyle!"

I looked at him in shock and asked him how he knew.

"Wow, I was just joking around dude, congrats though!"

I felt my face heat up, I punched him in the shoulder and grabbed a piece of bread. I put it in my mouth and ran out the door to go to Starks Pond.


I finally got to the spot that me and Stan usually go to. I see everyone sitting there and talking as I walk up. I sit on the picnic blanket that was laid out and greet everyone. Stan sits there and twiddled his thumbs once again and looks at me, we make eye contact, and his shimmery blue eyes meet my emerald ones. Everyone huddled up as Stan stands up and grabs my hand, pulling me up as well. I start to blush as he says,

"Ky, as I told you... I like you too, I guess I just didn't realize it. I knew things felt wrong when I was with Wendy, you always gave me hope, well you be my SBF?"

I look at him confused-

"Stan, we are already Super Best Friends... why did you ask me to be it again?"

He shakes his head and grabs my left hand,

"No, this time... it means Super Boyfriends-"

I plush and feel my hand start to sweat. I bite my lip and look away from him. I turn back and nod my head,

"Ya, I would love to, you make me feel like this shitty world isn't that bad-!"

He smiles and comes closer to my face. He looks at me for constent and I nod. He places his lips on mine and places his hands on my hips. I lift my hands and place them around his neck... this felt right. As I pull back for air I can hear Kenny say,


We all chuckle and sat down. Stan grabbed my hand and I placed my head on his shoulders. This was amazing. He took my ushanka off and started playing with my hair.

"Ky, why is your hair so soft?" He said.

I shrugged, I wasn't paying much attention, I was just happy finally. I felt Stan pick me up and place me on his lap which sent tingles down my spine and caused my face to turn red. He put his head on my shoulder and kissed my cheek.

"I love you ky-"

I bounced once in his lap and said,

"I love you too Stan!"

I slid my body to where my head was now on Stan's lap. I could tell that startled him a little bit and he started turning red. I felt something poke the back of my neck, but it was probably only his belt buckle.

"So Stan, how does it feel to be gay?" Kenny said.

"Good, I always thought I had feelings for Kyle, but I hid them with Wendy 'cause I thought it was a bad thing to love your best friend." He responded.

We all smiled at Stan, he looked down at me who was still on his lap, and he booped my nose. I smiled back. I didn't want this to ever end, it felt so good to be loved by someone you always knew.

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