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Today was the day of the brit awards safe to say i was nervous i have never even been to see an award show and now i'm nominated for a brit award life is truly crazy
i just spent the morning scrolling through instagram growing with nerves and anticipation until it was time to finally get ready molly was coming to mine today ti get ready with me

"honey i'm homeeee" you heard from downstairs of course it was molly we practically live together
she has a key for my apartment and i have one to hers "omg heyyyy" she came in and gave me the biggest hug ever she had been away on holiday with her family for 2 weeks and i've never been so bored in all of my life i would truly be lost without her like i said we're joined at the hip

Taylor S💖
hey girl can't wait to see you guys later you guys are in a table with me and my friends there apart of the band the 1975 that are also nominated

omg i can't wait see you later girl x


i would be lying if i said my heart didn't just drop when i knew your were going to meet the 1975 im not a die hard fan girl or anything like that but there music is undeniably good and there an attractive group of lads with and edge i knew we were going to be in for a drug filled alcohol drinking night but who's to say im not excited and now it's finally time to start getting ready

i would be lying if i said my heart didn't just drop when i knew your were going to meet the 1975 im not a die hard fan girl or anything like that but there music is undeniably good and there an attractive group of lads with and edge i knew we wer...

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@Y/N_official-BRIT AWARDS HERE WE COME! so so so grateful 💋love you all!

@molly_official-im obsessed girl
@taylorswift-you look gorgeous
@dylanminnette-best of look Y/N you look amazing
@haimtheband-good luckkkk!!!

comments:@molly_official-im obsessed girl @taylorswift-you look gorgeous @dylanminnette-best of look Y/N you look amazing @haimtheband-good luckkkk!!!

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@molly_official-im going to the brit awards? pinch me

@Y/N_official-think i'm in love with you fr
@taylorswift-killing it !
@georgedaniels-ah so your molly taylor was telling me about see you later !
@lorde-see you later girl

once me and molly was ready steve came to pick up me and molly with the rest of our production team and we headed to the brits it was a short drive as it was in Manchester this year which was convenient for us safe to say our nerves were building so we took a few shots to ease them and make us a-bit more bubbly i guess and just like that we arrived and walked the carpet
walking the carpet felt so surreal we saw all the other amazing artists and how amazing they looked and it finally hit me where i actually was whilst i was being blinded by the constant flashing of the cameras
once we was inside we went to the table and saw taylor sat with the 1975 and my heart flipped as i looked at them all individually
"heyyyy girls come here i've missed you two so much" taylor screeched pulling us into a hug
"here here let me introduce you to the boys this is adam" she said pointing to a boy with the sweetest face ever he gave me a hug and said his hellos along with the other two boys ross and george but george hugged molly for a longer time which made me think he liked the look of her
"and this is the infamous matty" as i looked at him my heart stopped as he smiled and looked me up and down and pulled me in for a hug i felt like i couldn't move he was extremely appealing
"ah so this is Y/N taylor has told me a lot about you it's so nice to finally meet you and can i just say you look stunning" i instantly blushed trying to hide it with a small laugh
"aw why thank you don't look too bad yourself matty nice to meet you"
we sat down form our designated seats i had  matty to my right and molly to my left  we started drinking straight away as the nerves had taken over me and i needed some sense of euphoria to calm me down
"can you take your seats the awards are about to begin" a voice said over a loud speaker

well here goes nothing

JUST GIRLS-matty healy Where stories live. Discover now