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"i'm so glad to have you back" matty said still being in the same spot we have been for 5 minutes the party was still going on outside but the echo of the loud music and mattys touch made me feel at ease like i had finally got myself back
"me too but if you ever hurt me again i hope you know you'll be dead to me" i said slightly laughing so he knew i wasn't ruining the mood
"i'm never going to hurt you ever again i've lost you once and i won't loose you again"
we shared another kiss a small sweet kiss
"we should get to the others" he said
"ahh yeah well there gonna be suprised"
"we should mess with them" matty suggested
"i'm listening"
"okay so i know there all at the bar together so you go first and just talk to them and i'll walk over and just kiss you and see there reactions"
i smiled at his childlike scheming
"you love a good reaction don't you"
"let's go"
i was now at the bar ross adam george and molly was all in conversation
"hey" they all said in unison
"hey" i said
"where did you go" molly asked
"i just needed to clear my head that's all but the album is so beautiful guys i'm proud" i smiled as i ordered another drink
i saw all there faces as matty was approaching us they didn't know what to do as they thought i hated him i had my back to him so i didn't know he was on his way over but i knew what was about to happen
"hey guys" matty said all of them said a quite hey not knowing how to be in the situation
"hey you" he said approaching me
he pulled me into a kiss it was a passionate one and we got lost in the moment for a second
when we pulled away they all had shocked expressions and didn't know what to say
"what's wrong guys" i said laughing
"what the fuck was that" adam said
"yeah what the fuck" molly said looking at me weirdly
"can i not kiss the guy who just wrote an album about me?" i said shrugging my shoulders
"matty?" ross and george said looking at him
"we're back baby" he said happily
"omg no way" they all was happy for us but couldn't get over the initial shock of what just happened
the night was amazing from that moment me and molly danced and talked of course and me and matty was love drunk again and i was finally happy with myself and my life again
"i'm gonna head off now it's late i need to go to bed" i said to matty
"let me walk you out"
we left the building and i waited for a taxi stumbling as i'd had one too many vodka red bulls
he pulled me into him whilst we was waiting
"are you okay" he asked me
"yeah i'm okay just happy"
"i'm happy too babe"
he looked at me and pulled my chin up so i was looking at him
"you look beautiful" he said
i just looked into his eyes i felt warm and i could feel my cheeks heat up
"come here"
he pulled me into a passionate kiss
just as my taxi pulled up
"your taxi is here" he said pulling away from me
i didn't want to leave him
"do you want to stay at mine" i asked him
"of course i do let's go"
we got into the taxi and headed back to mine
the whole taxi journey home was silent he just had his hand on my thigh and i could feel him glancing over at me as i looked out of the window
we finally arrived home and went up to my apartment we both got showers and got into bed
i had tried to go to sleep but i couldn't but i just lay on my side and tried my hardest
"matty are you awake" i whispered
i felt him turn over to face me
"yeah what's wrong?" he asked
"i can't sleep" i smiled
"yeah i guessed that Y/N/N"
i just smiled and looked at him we just lay there looking at each-other
"somethings on your mind i can tell" matty said
"it's just i'm scared don't get me wrong i'm so happy we're back because i've missed you so much but i can't help but think about the past and what if it happens again and-"
before i got the rest of my words out he interrupted me
"hey no don't think like that i know it's hard and i hate that i make you think like that but i promise you i'm never ever going to hurt you i can't let myself i love you okay and i'm going to prove myself to you"
"i'm sorry i don't mean to think that way i love you so much and i'm so happy your here right now is normally just be here by myself thinking about everything"
"i'm happy too believe me life has been hell without you and my life isn't anything without you in it yeah i've got the fame and money but now i have the girl and your the only girl for me"
i just smiled as i was tearing up it was so nice but overwhelming at the same time
"don't cry okay your too pretty to cry"
i just laughed
"your so cheesy"
"yeah but you love it"
"yeah i do,now about this album"
"no no let's go to sleep"
i laughed as he kissed me and we fell asleep i finally had him back and my life was complete

JUST GIRLS-matty healy Where stories live. Discover now