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it was the day of the paris gig for the past 3 months me and matty have been growing closer by the second and i've fallen for him hard and he thinks the same about me and it couldn't be more perfect yeah we don't have a label but it just feels so right i sat next to matty on the plane and we just slept the whole way essentially and we finally arrived it was only a short flight so we got our bags and drove to the hotel
"right here we are guys pick who your sharing with and we'll have soundcheck in an hour"
Jamie said and took the band's equipment to the venue across the street
"well i'm with molly" george basically jumped at the opportunity to have a room to himself with molly for a week
"i'm going with Y/N of course should be lots of fun if you know what i mean" matty said grabbing me by the waist and winking at the lads
"well looks like i'm with you ross mate" adam said chucking to himself because they knew they would share they always do
we made it to the room and it was beautiful the view was amazing and it was very paris and i couldn't ask to be in paris with anyone better than matty and i'm just excited to see where it goes and hope we have the best time
"do you reckon the beds shaggable or just squeaky?" matty asked genuinely wondering
"don't know maybe we'll have to test it out later"i replied whilst unpacking my suitcase
"oh yeah don't you worry darling we will" i felt a pair of hand grip my waist and pull me into a kiss a very heated kiss and safe to say we was late to soundcheck
we arrived back to the hotel after soundcheck and it was pretty late so i decided to go to bed as i've had such a long day and safe to say was exhausted
it was now around 3am and i had been asleep for awhile but i couldn't feel matty in the bed and i felt a cold draft i looked over to see him on the balcony i got up and wandered over to him i lent my head on his neck and wrapped my arms around him
"hey darling are you okay" he spoke so softly
"yeah i'm all good how come your awake?"
"can't sleep just thinking about something"he said voice riddled with anxiety
"why what's wrong matty"
"idk it's just in nervous for the gig and i just was thinking how we're in paris and what if you see someone who's more your type than i am and you just sack me off"
my heart broke at his words idk how he thinks i can just drop him so easily
"listen that's never going to happen in a million years i really fucking like you matty and i'm not going to throw it away for some holiday romance okay"
he just looked at me and pulled me into a hug it was so genuine and it just felt right as always
"thank you i really like you y/n like really like you"
we just looked at each other in awe for a good minute until he sparked up his cigarette the breeze of paris at 3am was just so refreshing i decided to light a cigarette too
"you look beautiful" matty said
i blushed at the comment and tried to hide my blush but i just gave in and started smiling like an idiot
"i think we should go to bed healy it's getting late and you have a big day tomorrow can't be having the rockstar tired or distracted can we"
i laughed getting up
"well darling i'm always distracted around you"
we headed off to sleep ready for the big day ahead

we arrived back to the hotel after soundcheck and it was pretty late so i decided to go to bed as i've had such a long day and safe to say was exhausted it was now around 3am and i had been asleep for awhile but i couldn't feel matty in the bed an...

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@Y/N_official-paris with a view
@taylorswift-omg i'm in paris too come to the studio some time
@adamhann-is matty wearing my boxers
@trumanblack-my view was better
@molly_official-can you two just get togehter already ?

@Y/N_official-paris with a view comments:@taylorswift-omg i'm in paris too come to the studio some time @adamhann-is matty wearing my boxers @trumanblack-my view was better @molly_official-can you two just get togehter already ?

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@trumanblack-blue jeans..no shirt ?
@Y/N_official-hope i didn't flash anyone
@rossmacdonald-god this girl never has a top on does she?
@georgedaniels-keep the noise down lad


JUST GIRLS-matty healy Where stories live. Discover now