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today is the day of the girls music video shoot i've been texting matty over the past 2 weeks and we get along like a house on fire he's genuinely the easiest person to talk too molly has also been talking to george and their hitting it off extremely well meaning she's ended up in his bed a few times over the past 2 weeks but who can blame her right he's her type and they clearly have a spark or something matty sent me all the details over the video is just a big piss take out of pop culture and how women are seen in the industry obviously i jumped at the chance to be in the video i had to wear lingerie or some form of scantily clothing and "pretend" to play the guitar however i actually could but for the sake of the video i guess i have to act all stupid
me and molly arrived at the studio and there were 2 other girls there already in there outfits ready to shoot however me and molly had to go and change i felt slightly vulnerable but you just have to own it and be confident you can't let anyone know that you feel out of place
we was yet to see the lads we had no clue where they was so i just got changed had my hair and makeup done and waited till my que to start filming i had experience due to me and molly having our own music videos and there so much fun to film
the lads finally appeared but yet to notice me and molly sat in the corner as the studio was huge george was the first to notice us and said his hellos and was instantly on molly like a leech i overheard there conversation about how amazing she looked at it did warm my heart i stood up and decided to not intrude anymore and go and make myself a drink at the station they had set up i felt a pair of hands snake around my waist and a simple "hey you" was said down my ear i instantly knew it was matty and turned around to give him a proper hug he looks amazing dressed in all leather he just stopped and started looking at me weirdly
"what's wrong have i got something on me?" i asked genuinely confused at the look
"no you just look wow amazing" he said and i hid my blushing face with my hands
"so do you healy"
we just stood in the moment confused by the feelings that washed over us
"right so we're going to start and your filming in my spot when i'm not there so your basically like my muse"
"ahh okay your muse so how did you pick each girl to go where" i asked hoping for an answer i would like
"well Y/N i chose you to go in my spot because i think you'd look perfect as my muse and we have actual shots together too" he said my heart was beating out of my chest at this point
"can't wait" i said with a simple smile and walked off as i looked back he was still staring at me making me feel like i was the only girl in the room
filming had started and i played my instrument basically impersonating matty molly was obviously sat on george whilst he played the drums and the filming was going great now i and to do my scenes with matty
it started off with us in-front of a yellow backdrop just staring into the camera and at each other and that was all really apart from the last scene where we walked off and he put his arm around me the tension was between us the whole time was unreal i would be lying if i said i didn't want to hop into bed with him right there and then but i fought the urges of course and remained professional
once the day was over i stayed back at mattys demand to go over some of the footage once everyone had gone home of course he was being his usual flirty self the whole time and once that was over i got up and ready to leave and said my goodbyes until matty grabbed me back and kissed me passionately it was a shock but i enjoyed it
"i was wondering if you wanted to go on a date this week with me?"
omg did he really just ask me out
"hmm i'll see when i'm free healy" i said trying to act unbothered when inside i was dying
"oh come here" he said pulling me in for another kiss and i loved every second of it
i arrived home after probably one of the best experiences of my life aside from winning a brit award and all but i was happy with how the day panned out

@Y/N_official-just girls💋comments:@molly_official-breaking hearts?@georgedaniels-wheres mollys instagram post i need one ?@trumanblack-you could break my heart

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@Y/N_official-just girls💋
@molly_official-breaking hearts?
@georgedaniels-wheres mollys instagram post i need one ?
@trumanblack-you could break my heart

JUST GIRLS-matty healy Where stories live. Discover now