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it's been a month since that night at harry's and it has been the best two months i feel like i was finally feeling back to normal i still loved matty but what he did to me was unforgivable and me and harry have become really close and i'm really starting to like him and i think he feels the same over this month we have been going round eachother a lot going on dates but so far we haven't been spotted by any fans or paparazzi life was finally looking up
today me and harry were going to go shopping around town i needed some new clothes and harry was very happy to tag along
he was picking me up in an hour so i started to get ready when i heard molly adam and george walk through the door
"hey guys" i said from my bedroom as i walked into the living room
i immediately ran over to adam and gave him a hug i haven't seen him in so long and i really have missed him he was like my best-friend
"hey Y/N/N i've missed you"
"me toooo"
we spoke for a little longer and had a really good catch-up
"i'd love to talk longer but i have to get ready"
"oo where are you off" adam asked me
"i've got a dateee"
adam and george just looked at each other with sympathy in there eyes almost
"what's wrong guys?" i questioned
"nothing nothing i hope you have an amazing time it's just mat-"
"listen i know you guys love matty but i need to move on he had no trouble doing it whilst we was together"
"yeah we're sorry for bringing him up have fun"
"thank you guys"
harry had just text me that he was outside i know we've known each-other a long time but i get nervous whenever we go out it's just something about him that's so alluring
i finally walked out to the car and got in
"hey beautiful"
"heyy how are you?"
"i'm good thanks"
he pulled me into a kiss and we headed off to Manchester town centre to do some shopping blasting talking heads and just having a good time
i had managed to drag harry around urban outfitters for about an hour and to my surprise he wasn't complaining he was just watching me try clothes on and he even helped me pick out my outfits we walked around shopping for a good 4 hours then we went for some food and we was back in the car on the way to mine
"i've had a really good day today thank you" i said
"don't thank me i love spending time with you"
my cheeks burned red as we pulled up to my apartment that was until my phone started buzzing non stop
"harry styles and Y/N Y/L/N spotted kissing in the streets of Manchester"
i couldn't believe the media we're so quick we hadn't even got home and we was already all over the tabloids
"what's wrong you've gone all quite on me" harry said looking at me concerned
i just turned my screen around to show him
"it's fine don't worry we'll be fine now people know we won't need to hide and we can show them how good we are yeah" he said tucking my hair behind my ear pulling me in for a kiss but all i could think about is what matty thought
we both walked up to my apartment to my surprise george molly adam we're still there and ross had joined them too it was odd to see them without matty there but i guess this was my new reality
"hey tabloid stars" ross said with a laugh
"yeah hey"
time had flew by we all had a few drinks and was just talking harry got along  really well better than i expected them too it was really good to see how everything was going all my friends and harry together i was finally happy
all of a sudden there was a knock on the door
"i'll go and get it" i stood up to answer who possibly could be at my door at 11pm
my heart skipped a beat and my tounge caught in my throat it was matty
he looked me in the eye he had clearly been drinking and he looked like he had been crying
"what are you doing here?" i asked
he just came in the door and you could hear a pin drop harry looked shocked along with everyone else
"what the fuck is he doing here" matty said pointing towards harry
"no matty you don't get to do that don't come here and cause a scene when we're all having a good time" i said
"oh yeah have a good time without me all my friends and you are happy without me clearly and your new fuck buddy"
i can't believe he had just said that
"excuse me have abit of respect he isn't my fuck buddy im not a slag and even if he was you had one when i went away for 2 fucking days so you can save your bullshit i don't want to hear it" my voice was laced with anger at this point how date he come here and cause problems when it's his fault we're not together
"Y/N why are you with him he's not good for you"
matty choked on his words
"oh what and you are? you cheated on me matty it's not my fault you couldn't keep your dick in your pants" i scoffed i couldn't believe he had just shown up
matty just started to tear up as he looked at everyone other than harry in the room and no one said a word they just looked awkward and i didn't blame them
"matty you need to go" i said
"i'm not going anywhere he needs to go not me these are my friends your mine that should be me sat there with you not him"
"i don't belong to anyone matty that's what your problem is you think you have some sort of ownership over me you fucked it up not me you get out now" i was tearing up at this point from the anger
"no i'm not going" he stood there like he had a right and it made me feel sick
"mate she told you to go" i heard harry say as he stood up and came next to me this wasn't going to end well
"and who the fuck are you to tell me what to do" matty practically hissed at him
"matty would you just fucking leave" i shouted at him pushing him to the door
he grabbed my hands and looked me in the eyes
"Y/N/N please i love you i love you so fucking much i just want you again i-"
"matty no no don't tell me that now i can't hear you say that your only hurting me more you need to go"
the room was silent you could just hear my sniffling and mattys sobs
we just looked at each-other probably for the last time
"i love you" the words left his lips again and it felt like a knife stabbing me repeatedly
"just go" i practically whispered
before i knew it he was gone and the room was silent
molly george ross and adam decided to leave because it was now a very akward atmosphere
"are you okay" harry said as he held me in his arms
"im so so sorry you didn't need to see any of that and you didn't deserve-"
"shhhh okay Y/N i know it's a hard situation to be in but you don't need to apologise because non of that was your fault okay" harry said reassuring me everything would be alright
"now let's get to bed it's late and it's been a long day" he said guiding me to the bedroom

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