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today was the day of the paris gig and i was so excited but i could tell the boys were really nervous yeah they had don't gigs but this was there first large gig outside of the uk but what better way to make your international debut than in paris
the time was around 10am and me and matty were still in bed just talking about random things and about the gig until george came bursting in the room
"morning dickheads get up we need to be ready for today" he said jumping on the bed to wake us up even tho we was clearly awake
"fuck off george we're not leaving till 1" matty shouted
i just lay my head back onto mattys chest
"alright bye then i'll let you two carry on eating each others faces then" george said leaving the room
"should we get ready?"i asked
"mmm 5 more minutes i don't want to ever leave this position"matty said grabbing me back
the boys finally got ready and went to soundcheck whilst me and molly watched from the bar at the back of the venue
"so how are you and george doing" i asked
"good i really like him and he feels the same i just hope it goes well,how about you and healy"
i smiled widely and shrugged
"good i like him he likes me only time can tell really" i said trying to not act like i was utterly consumed by the rockstar and his persona
the boys were sound checking girls and me and molly got up and started dancing along how could we not it's kind of became a group song as that's when everything properly kicked off with us all becoming close as we was in the music video
"that song was dedicated to the 2 girls in the front they was in the music video" matty said to absolutely no one it was only me and molly watching
we cheered like groupies and obsessed fans
"and i met one of the girls for the second time in her underwear and she was sexy let me tell you all" matty carried on the joke i just blushed and he jumped down from the stage and kissed me passionately in-front of everyone the lads weren't bothered molly was stood jaw on the floor and i just blushed even more
after soundcheck me and molly went to the hotel to get ready and the boys got ready in their dressing room backstage of the venue i decided to wear blue jeans and a red leather jacket as we was in paris and i thought i'd be slightly out there but not too much

after soundcheck me and molly went to the hotel to get ready and the boys got ready in their dressing room backstage of the venue i decided to wear blue jeans and a red leather jacket as we was in paris and i thought i'd be slightly out there but ...

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@Y/N_official-feel like a rockstar tbh💋
@molly_official-im stealing those jeans
@rossmc-why do i want those jeans ?
@trumanblack- wow

we got into the venue and it was already full
of people me and molly got a few drinks from the bar and went to the side of the stage as we were allowed too and not too long after the boys went on they were amazing the crowd loved them and wow matty looked amazing his curls just fell perfectly and the way he played his guitar was mesmerising they started playing the song "sex" which was my personal favourite it was just a banger and matty kept looking to the side of the stage at me and it made me nervous he was just so passionate about doing what he loved and it makes me like him even more
the gig was over and we said our congratulations to the boys and matty came over to me straight away
"so how did i do babe"
"you looked like a fucking rockstar" i said pulling him into a kiss it was a long heated kiss and when he pulled away it left me wanting more but i knew now wasn't the time we all carried on drinking at the venue for a while until we all decided to go back to the hotel as we were so tired from the day we had all of us except matty
"you guys go ahead i'll be there shortly" he said
i was confused as to what he had to do but just shrugged it off and went back to our room
the time was now 4am and matty still hasn't shown up to the hotel i was worried as i woke up and he still wasn't here i went to grab my phone to call him when straight away i saw about 100 twitter notifications on my phone so i went to look what it was

-rockstar matty healy spotted leaving paris night club with rumoured fling taylor swift-

my heart dropped i knew matty and taylor were friends because that's how we was introduced but over the past few weeks after one of mattys jokes about dating a blonde celeb in his interview came out everyone had been digging deeper i thought nothing of it but now here i am in a hotel room in paris seeing this i can't believe he didn't tell me he was going to a club with taylor she's my friend too why not just be honest i called him he didn't pick up and i'm am so angry right now that i don't know what to do
i fell back to sleep about an hour later and still no sign of matty
i heard the door open around 5:30am and shock it was matty i felt him get in bed and wrap his arms around me as much as i love the feeling i pushed him off me and moved away
"hey what's wrong" he said
i didn't reply as i was so angry i didn't know what id say if i spoke
"what matty what do you want" i spoke out angrily
he just looked at me stunned i had never shown him this side to me before as i've never had too
"why are you being weird" he said
"maybe because you made us all come back to the hotel for you to then leave to go clubbing with taylor when there's dating rumors going around and i wake up to you being the fucking trending hashtag on twitter" i spat out
"no Y/N it's not like"
"save it matty i don't want to hear it idk what i thought would happen if i got involved with you what is it you make a girl obsess over your for 6 months take her to paris and go clubbing with someone you clearly wouldn't mind being with"
i said as tears started to put down my face
he stood up and tried to hold me but i couldn't let him win i though this was different but i just don't know why he lied to me
"Y/N i don't know why i didn't tell you i just though it would ruin things" he said
"well it has matty it fucking has are you satisfied now" i said storming out to molly and george's room
the time was now around 6:30 and i know it's wrong of me to wake up molly and george but i just need to talk to them so i knocked on the door and george answered he saw that i was crying and didn't ask why just pulled me into a hug
he walked me over to the bed and sat me down that's when molly saw i was crying and asked me what was wrong
"well matty showed up an hour ago after being in the club with taylor" i managed to choke out
"wait hasn't there been dating rumour's about those two" george questioned
"yeah there has that's why i'm so upset because he clearly has something with her yeah magazines chat shit but they've been seen on multiple occasions now and he said that about her in his interview and i can't be dealing with it"
molly just held me tighter and george looked angry
"you don't deserve this Y/N after how jake treated you as-well it's not fair" molly said
jake was my ex who cheated on me at every chance he got
i just started to cry more and more i didn't know what to do for god sake i came all the way to paris for this boy and this is what happens and taylor too how could she do this to me when she set us up for fuck sake
"i'm going home molly you don't have to come with me i know you want to be with george but mark my words i don't ever want to see him again" the room went silent and molly and george were looking at the doorway i turned and matty was stood in the doorway tears in his eyes i just shoved passed him and went to pack my things

JUST GIRLS-matty healy Where stories live. Discover now