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me and molly are throwing an after party at our apartment because of our gig in Manchester we invited all our friends and of course matty is now on the list after our declaration of love and i was very happy with it it's like my world has finally started again after 6 months of anxiety and being down
it was around 12pm and everyone was turning up dylan was here matty ross george adam and loads more of our closest friends me and molly had made a great playlist but george insisted on bringing his decks round and do a set so we obviously agreed we couldn't deny the man of his talents so we let him
the time was now around 1am everyone was practically drunk or on the edge of being wasted it was so good to see everyone having such a good time i was dancing with molly until i saw dylan i instantly pulled him into a hug given the way he had to leave me before
"hey dylan sorry about before i just had some stuff to talk about"
he just smiled
"it's okay don't worry you seem happier already"
"i am"
we was dancing to hey ya by outkast it was practically our song once it was over we parted ways and i went to find molly again until i felt hands around my waist i hadn't felt this touch in a long time but it felt right
"hey beautiful" matty whispered in my ear i instantly turned around to face him
"heyyy" i said evidently drunk
"this reminds me of the night i first met you"
of course he was talking about the BRITS after party early last year
"omg yeah you looked so good in that suit" i said pulling on the hem of his jacket he pulled me in for a kiss it was a very passionate kiss and heated and safe to say i missed it a lot the feeling of just being with him made me so calm
"do you want a drink?" i asked him
"yeah a vodka coke would be perfect"
i went off to make him his drink swaying along to toxic by britney spears filling the spinning room
i retuned back and handed him his drink
"thank you darling"
his words make me feel so nervous like a sense of adrenaline through my body every time that mouth of his opens we spent time just dancing to the music extremely close i could feel the heat of his breath on my neck it sent shivers down my spine
me and molly decided that we would have a karaoke section to the party because what person doesn't like karaoke i went first and sang the real slim shady by eminem it was my party trick i knew every single word and despite being drunk i still managed to get every word right  molly sang fluorescent adolescent by arctic monkeys and then it was mattys turn safe to say he had a good time up there he sang hypnotise by biggie and he was actually impressive and god he looked fit
the night was coming to an end there was only me molly george adam ross matty and mollys friend katie left dylan had caught a train to his hotel as he had a flight tomorrow it was now 5am and we all decided to play truth or dare and it brought back nostalgic memories from that one time in mattys apartment

the night was coming to an end there was only me molly george adam ross matty and mollys friend katie left dylan had caught a train to his hotel as he had a flight tomorrow it was now 5am and we all decided to play truth or dare and it brought bac...

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@Y/N_official-And we're backkkkk

@trumanblack-better than ever
@georgedaniels-my plan worked
@molly_official-your welcome

i was sat next to matty molly to my other side and the game began we was all wasted to say the least
"okay adam truth or dare" matty asked
"i dare you to give ross a lap dance" we all burst out laughing expecting him to forfit but to our suprise he did a very bad lap dance and we all couldn't keep it together
"okay Y/N truth or dare" adam asked me
"hmmm truth"
"is it true that you have slept with harry styles from 1D?"
my jaw dropped now on earth would adam hann know that information my guess is molly told him which wasn't a shock there like bestfriends at this point
everyone just looked at me waiting for me to answer
i could feel mattys eyes burning a hole in the side of my face
"erm well yeah it's true"
everyone just laughed apart from matty he just scoffed and sipped his drink
"okay matty truth or dare"
"i dare you to tweet something random rn with no context"
and i'm true matty fashion he did of course
"okay molly truth or dare?"
"i dare you to kiss the biggest flirt"
everyone was wondering who this was going to be when molly came in my direction and stuck one on me it was a full on snog we born just laughed after it because it had happend at so many partys due to this game but everyone else's jaws were on the floor
"that was fucking hot" i heard george say
"fuckin ell" matty added i just sipped my drink like nothing had happened
"okay katie truth or dare" molly asked
"i dare you to kiss the most attractive person in the room"
i thought maybe she'd go for ross or something
but no to everyone's surprise she walked over to
matty and shoved her tongue down his throat i just looked at everyone and the kiss went on for a good 10 seconds i didn't know what to do with myself it was silent after that no one knew where to look or what to do
i was hurt after we had just got back on track he allowed her to do it especially right next to me for that long
"i'm gonna head to bed" i said standing up straight away everyone was still in silence
i walked to my room and slammed the door got into bed and just cried maybe it was the alcohol in my system or just the plain fact i was hurt
i heard a knock at the door
"come in" i sniffled
"can we talk"
it was matty

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