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from that time matty kissed me and now a whole month later it's all i've been able to think about it just keeps running through my mind like a bad headache what did it mean we know we can't be with each-other so why did we kiss it just makes me so confused and him writing the song as-well it's all just a lot to take in i tried to move on that didn't work so now i just need to forget about him completely

have you seen the interview?

what interview?

mattys new interview??

no and i don't want too i need to get over him molly not get back under him

okay but i think you should watch tyyl x

yeah ttyl x

i didn't need to see another one of his loose mouth interviews where he just spills his life story out i'm done with him fully i can't see him i don't want to hear his voice or hear anything about his new music
about an hour has gone by and all i could see on twitter was small clips of the interview i just scrolled past them all and put my headphones on and listened to the demo of mine and mollys new backing track we're getting back in the studio to write some music as we've missed it
i finally caved i had to watch the video it was making me feel nauseous that i haven't watched it so i looked it up and pressed play
i can't deny he looked beautiful in his leather jacket and rockstar glasses i found myself consumed by him even through a screen but my heart also pulled at the sight
he started talking about his new album and i felt proud that the boys are making a new album that was a until the next clip
"so what's the album called matty"
"it's called i like it when you sleep for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it"
my heart dropped and my mouth went dry i can't believe this maybe i was just playing tricks on myself but i could swear i had a polaroid that said that on it
i rooted through my draw and found it a picture of me asleep in mattys arms with the album name underneath it he took 2 and made us matching ones so he could have one and i could and now he's naming the album after it
i decided to just let it go and carry on watching
"so what's the album about"
"it's about love and loss and how you can have everything and then loose it in a second i made a  very big mistake last year and it cost me the love of my life and i know it sounds cliche but i've never loved someone as much as i love her and i just processed my feelings through music and i hope she listens and understands how sorry i am it's kind of an apology album but also beautiful"
i started to tear up no matter how hard i tried to hate him i just couldn't it made me angry that i couldn't hate him when i had every reason to and he didn't mind blabbering about us in his interviews but i also saw it as sweet god i hated myself i truly hated myself for it
it had been 2 days since the interview so me and molly decided it was time to get in the studio
"so did you watch it" she asked
"yeah and i wish i didn't" i said bluntly
"listen he loves you and you love him sometimes you can move past things"
"no i can't but i can make a song about it" i said with a slight smirk i was playing him at his own game in a way maybe it was evil but i needed to let my emotions out
molly and me started on a melody and got the track going and i started to write lyrics
"hate to give you satisfaction of you seeing me crumble at your feet"
"i wish you was somebody else"
"thought i was smart but i was just another part to your plan"
"say you love me but wishing i was somebody else"
those were a few of the lyrics i came up with and i was proud of them now it was time to piece them into a song but we had came up with a title
it just summed up everything as it was another public rockstar cliche relationship that ends in tears and heartbreak

it had been 2 days since the interview so me and molly decided it was time to get in the studio "so did you watch it" she asked "yeah and i wish i didn't" i said bluntly "listen he loves you and you love him sometimes you can move past things" "no...

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@Y/N_official-new music soon guys can't wait for you to hear my side

@molly_official-its a good one!!!
@lorde-i need that fit rn
@trumanblack-your side?

i know it was petty to post something like that but i was just feeling a mix of emotions and i didn't know how to process them at all but when i saw mattys comment i realised i had never blocked him on instagram but it kind of worked in my favour
it's been a long 2 weeks but the song was finally out and everyone loved it people got that it was about matty but i was actually getting sympathy which was strange to see considering i've been made to feel like the bad guy by the media for moving on to harry but today was music video day we was filming a video it was a concept of driving in a car and just having all the lights blurred and it felt uneasy to watch we got a guy to be in the video that i was "fantasising" over he wore a leather jacket and then parts of him fade away and the car crashes and he's gone it was an easy concept but it got my message across and i feel like the fans are going to love it

it's been a long 2 weeks but the song was finally out and everyone loved it people got that it was about matty but i was actually getting sympathy which was strange to see considering i've been made to feel like the bad guy by the media for moving...

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@Y/N_official-cliche video coming soon

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