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we all sat there nervous for our category obviously we all was rooting for each other but all wanted to win the award because who wouldn't am i right?
i had casual conversation with everyone on the table but found myself more drawn to matty there was something about him that was just so mesmerising and he just catches you in the most random but interesting conversations drinks were flowing and so we're my thoughts
"so what inspired you to make music Y/N"
he spoke with an interred tone
"oh i was brought up around music and so was molly and we just decided in high-school we wanted to be a-bit different and make a song but to our luck we took it seriously and ended up sat here with you guys how about you"
i asked
"pretty much the same however we was shit when we started but we just pushed ourselves and now we have a debut album and we're here sat with you guys" he said playing with my words almost mimicking me but in the most alluring way possible
we both shared a laugh and took a shot
"and here are the nominees for best new album"
my heart dropped as i saw all the clips and songs playing on the big screen before the award was about to be announced
my heart was racing im pretty sure i looked like a deer in headlights i felt a hand on my thigh as i look over it was matty i felt so calm under his touch but that's so wierd right we only just met?

"and the winner is....little white lies by little white lies"
OMG i can't believe it we won we fucking won i jumped up straight away tears in my eyes maybe it sounds soppy but we just fucking won a brit award i hugged molly straight away as we jumped around and practically bolted up to the stage but i forgot we had to do a speech and i wasn't prepared oh well i guess the alcohol will have to take my words and form them in some sort of way

"wow i mean wow i can't believe we actually won thank you so much to our team and manager for helping us get to where we are today and produce an amazing album that we really did pour our hearts into thank you molly for being my right hand in all of this and most of all the fans we wouldn't be anywhere without you guys and we appreciate you all so much and also all the other artists in this category deserve this award just as much as we do so thank you so much goodnight"
i managed to piece that together faster than i imagined molly also said a few words to thank everyone and we returned to our seats

"what the fuck" me and molly said in unison with shocked expressions we can't actually believe that just happened everyone said there congratulations and we were ready to leave as that was the last award of the night and we headed to the after party
upon arrival i spoke to all the other artist that were there i was truly star struck and this was our first award show and after party i actually spoke to the alex turner i'm surprised i managed to get my words out he said he loved our album and i'm never letting that go ever again !
i used the free bar to my full content and safe to say was mortal i was dancing with molly for about an hour until i felt molly be dragged away from me and to my guess it was george Daniel's he really seemed to like molly tonight and i'm happy there hitting it off she deserves to be happy so i danced with taylor for a bit until i felt a presence beside me
"do you mind if i steal her for a bit taylor"
it was matty and safe to say i was happy he asked
"heyyy award winner how's your night been" he asked me pulling me into a hug he smelt like cigs and aftershave it was a pleasant mix tbh
"hey my night is greatttt how is yours"
"better now i'm talking to you i must admit"
i crumbled under his words yes he had the edgy rockstar look but his eyes were totally different
"ahhh we'll make yourself my accomplice for the night matty" i said slightly stumbling
"are you drunk Y/N" he said looking me up and down
"maybe a little bit are you?"
we danced for hours to rap music indie music the lot and i had one of the best nights i've had in a long time
"i'm gonna go for a cig are you comming?" he whispered in my ear and i of course followed him outside
i stood and watched him light his cig as he inhaled it and blew the smoke out in my face practically
"do you want one?" he asked
"go on then why not"
i lit my cig and we had a small conversation
"you look stunning tonight did i mention that
Y/N?" i felt my heart skip a beat
"no i don't think so" i smartly replied knowing i remembered exactly when he said it even if i was drunk or not how could i forget
"well you look amazing" he said moving closer to me i felt my breath hitch as i could smell him more than ever
"you look good too healy" i tried to play it cool
"well you don't mind if i do this then will you?"
before i even got chance to speak he pulled me into him and kissing me with passion like he had waited forever to kiss me but we had only known each other not even for a day but i didn't mind i relaxed into the kiss it was a long one and we pulled away and just smiled at each other
"i've wanted to do that since i first saw you"
he said so calmly that it made my stomach flip
"well i'm glad you did" i said fixing his hair and wiping my lipstick from a round his mouth
he put his arm around me and we re entered the party
the night was a long one but i finally got home and into bed i was so happy on how the day turned out and molly ended up going home with george needles to say what happened there i'm sure i'll hear about it all tomorrow when she's sober just as i was about to go to sleep my phone went off

•trumanblack started following you on instagram

who was truman black i had no idea but i had a look anyway and to my surprise it was matty i would be lying if i said i didn't get excited at this so i followed him back almost instantly

trumanblack-hey Y/N how are you ?

Y/N_official-im good thank you matty how are you?

trumanblack-i'm really good thank you i have a question you don't have to say yes although i hope you do

Y/N_official-go ahead:)

trumanblack-okay so me and the guys are making a music video next week for our song "girls" and we was wondering if you and molly would like to be in it :)

Y/N_official-omg yeah totally ik molly will be up for it too concidering she's in george's bed right now

trumanblack-oh yeah ik i can hear we share an apartment but great i will send you over all the details goodnight Y/N :)

Y/N_official-goodnight matty:)

well that was unexpected safe to say i can't wait :)

JUST GIRLS-matty healy Where stories live. Discover now