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mattys pov:
i couldn't believe that Y/N was now messing around with harry fucking styles she had already slept with him before we got together and now she's with him my heart couldn't take it i know i messed up i really fucked up but seeing her with somebody else made me feel sick i knew i didn't want her anymore because i couldn't hurt her again and after tonight seeing her with him shown me that i genuinely can't have her and i just had to face that i'd lost the only good thing that had happened to me in a long time i was still in love but it hurt clearly that was our last time ever seeing eachother in person or so we though we share the same circle her bestfriend is with george for fuck sake we're going to see eachother more than we'd like but i hate seeing her with him
i decided to pick up my notebook and start writing down lyrics because that's all i knew how to do anymore a few came to mind
"so i heard you found somebody else,and at first i thought it was a lie"
that captured how i was feeling perfectly all i could think about was the stuff they do together and i know that's wrong of me to feel like i have some sexual ownership over her but i couldn't help it
"i don't want your body but i hate to think about you with somebody else,our love has gone cold you're intertwining your soul with somebody else"
i knew it was a harsh set of lyrics but i could see this going somewhere and i needed to work on things for our album that we had nothing for no title no tracks no lyrics so i thought this would be a place to start at-least
"and come on baby this ain't the last time that i'll see your face"
"you say you've found someone to take my place"
as i was writing the lyrics everything became more real and maybe Y/N genuinely thought that she had found someone else and that can actually take my place but i just didn't believe that she had that in her when she told me she couldn't hear me say i loved her it triggered something in me an emotion i had never felt before i started to realise i have the fame and the money but not the girl i love but this song needed to capture anger aswell as love because i didn't want the fans to know about things but i also did because i'm an honest person
"get someone you love?get someone you need? fuck that get money i can't give you my soul"
i had put my notebook to the side but i noticed something fall out of it onto my bed it was a polaroid i didn't really want to turn it round because it didn't know what it would be
it was a picture of Y/N asleep in my arms and i wrote a caption on it
"i like it when you sleep for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it"
i teared up at the sight of it we was so perfect and i ruined it and i'm never going to get her back and not now she's with harry my life was a mess and i didn't know what to do about it
i decided to start writing another song i just didn't know what about i was scrolling through my photos and saw the picture me and Y/N got in-front of the Eiffel tower she looked unbelievably beautiful and i looked happy how the times have changed
i decided to write about my experience in paris i was feeling vulnerable tonight and probably was the best time for me to do it
i remember when we was in the hotel and she had bought a vogue magazine and found this bag she loved but it was so pricey i had recently bought it for her but never got the chance to give it to her
everything about that trip was amazing apart from the fact the media thought i was cheating on my girlfriend who wasn't even my girlfriend
i started writing random lyrics in no order
"and then she pointed at the bag of her dreams in a well posh magazine"
"and oh how i'd love to go to paris again"
"i've got two left feet and i'm starting to cheat on my girlfriend again"
"she had to leave cos she couldn't hack it"
"as the crowd cheered for an overdose"
i had channeled the trip in a couple of lyrics and i had to stop myself from doing anymore i was too emotional and i didn't know what to do now i decided to post the picture of us on my instagram story but i deleted it straight after because i looked like a sensitive prick so i decided to go to bed
(time skip 1 month)
(Y/N pov)

me and harry had been going so well he had asked me to be his girlfriend and i couldn't be any happier i truly truly adored him and he was such a breath of fresh air from the constant rockstar antics of matty the drugs the drink the girls it all got too much in the end and harry was very much focused on me and kept work separate however i had met the rest of one direction they were all so lovely and i got along with nial really well he was hilarious but i also though how it felt like when i met the rest of the 1975 and me and george grew close and it felt like history repeating itself and it was sad in a way my past has been ripped out from under me and changed for now but i was enjoying the happiness in my life and forgot about matty and the other part of my life that is now so far gone
"okayyyy i have a suprise for you" harry said to me as he climbed into bed with me
"oooo im scared" i laughed
"okay so me and you are going on holiday we leave tomorrow i thought we needed a well deserved break"
"omg no way thank you so much your the best"
he pulled me into a big hug and we spent the rest of the morning like that
"okay i have to go to the studio but i'll be back tonight" he said kissing me and leaving my room
i started to pack as we're litteraly leaving
tomorrow i decided to call molly as she hasn't been home all week
"hey girl" she said as she picked up the phone
"guess whattttt" i squealed
i could hear chatter in the background i was assuming that she was just with george or something little did i know she had me on speaker
"harry is taking me away on holiday"
i expected a reaction straight away or atleast an im happy for you but the chatter in the background stopped and she just stuttered out
"erm wow that's amazing but"
"but what what's wrong why are you being weird?"
it was silent for a good 10 seconds until i heard adam say something
"matty no your fine your fine"
my heart dropped matty heard i mean you'd think i would be happy he knows i've moved on but i felt awful even though he hurt me
"i'll just call you later" i said annoyed and put the phone down i just carried on packing and by time i was done harry was back and we fell asleep ready for the day ahead

we had arrived in Spain and the weather was beautiful and so was the hotel i was so happy me and harry had unpacked and was getting ready to go out for food he looked amazing he had his hat on which i loved so much
"you look amazing" i said he came closer to me so he towered me he put his hand under my chin and pulled me into a kiss
"so do you babe your amazing"
it was such a wholesome moment i genuinely have never been so happy

we had arrived in Spain and the weather was beautiful and so was the hotel i was so happy me and harry had unpacked and was getting ready to go out for food he looked amazing he had his hat on which i loved so much "you look amazing" i said he cam...

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@Y/N_official-the hat made it on holiday:)
@harrystyles-the hat always makes an appearance darling;)
@dylanminette-we need a catch up
@molly_official-have fun

@Y/N_official-the hat made it on holiday:)comments:@harrystyles-the hat always makes an appearance darling;)@dylanminette-we need a catch up @molly_official-have fun

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@harrystyles-i love the beach;)
@Y/N_official-i didn't know you took this😮
@nialhoran-i miss her

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