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"rockstar matty healy and icon Y/N Y/L/N made it official last night on social media what does this mean for us"

that was the first thing i saw when i woke up and i couldn't believe it was already trending being in the public eye did have its downfall and i already know next week there will be a cheating rumour posted but you just have to live with that sort of stuff matty was still asleep next to me he was a very peaceful sleeper so i decided to just scroll through the comments of the newest tabloid some of them made me really happy but others made me want to be sick people was saying he will cheat like he did with his past girlfriends people calling my appearance and saying matty deserves better i've had hate before but never this bad i felt my face get hot and tears started streaming i'm not normally emotional but something about this got to me i tried to be as quite as possible so i didn't wake matty
i felt two hands go around my waist
"goodmorning babe"
matty said kissing me on the cheek
"morning" i said bluntly i didn't mean to be but i was just so consumed by my emotions
he just looked at me with confusion on his face but then he realised i was crying
"hey hey what's wrong don't cry come here tell me what's wrong" he pulled me closer and wiped the tears from my eyes
"i just..i saw thi.."
i couldn't get my words out i was choking on them and i was crying hard now i felt so stupid to let things like this get to me but i guess it was just a bad day
"it's okay your alright just breathe"
he looked at me with the softest expression i'd ever seen him have
"i woke up and saw us trending because of the instagram post and i checked the comments and they were saying how your going to cheat and about my appearance and that you deserve better"
he took a second to process the big comments that had been made
"hey listen you can't listen to them okay they know nothing they only know us from what we put out of ourselves"
"i know but what if.." i couldn't even finish what i was going to say
"no no listen your the most beautiful girl i've ever seen and i'm so lucky to have you we deserve eachother okay and im never going to hurt you"
i just looked at him i can't believe i let myself get so upset over this
"i love you matty"
"i love you too"
we stayed in all day just watching films and talking shit it was a really good day despite the events of the morning we got bored and decided to play some music
he picked to play kiss from a rose by seal and we both danced around the living room like children but i wouldn't have it any other way i played creep by radio-head it was one of my favourite songs ever we both acted like we was playing air guitar it was a genuine wholesome moment and it made me realise how in love with him i actually was
we had been invited to the brit awards 2014 as one of mine and mollys songs were up for best single and the 1975 was in the same category it was a full circle moment for us to go back to the place we met and to be in the same category again matty was at his place getting ready and we was just going to meet in the venue as we had to get photos with our bands

we had been invited to the brit awards 2014 as one of mine and mollys songs were up for best single and the 1975 was in the same category it was a full circle moment for us to go back to the place we met and to be in the same category again matty ...

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@molly_official-brits were coming for ya!
@Y/N_official-lets goooo
@bradleysimpson-congratssss see you there
@georgedaniels-your outift is beautiful
@trumanblack^^get a room

@molly_official-brits were coming for ya!comments:@Y/N_official-lets goooo@bradleysimpson-congratssss see you there @georgedaniels-your outift is beautiful @trumanblack^^get a room

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@trumanblack-i love you
@dylanminette-watching you from the us hope you winnnn!!

we arrived in the venue after the multiple flashes of the camera molly nearly flashed the photographer too which would have caused the world to go into overdrive so we're glad that didn't happen we was sat on a table with the boys im guessing the brits had caught the news of me and matty i saw matty walking towards the table when he got stopped by taylor i mean i would lie if i said my heart didn't drop a little i hadn't spoken to taylor since the whole paris situation but i wasn't going to be akward and she wasn't sat on our table this year either i just brushed their encounter over my head and sipped my drink
matty finally walked over to me and pulled me into a hug straight away
"wowwww you look fucking gorgeous" i blushed at his words
"you look very handsome"
he gave me a quick kiss not wanting to ruin my makeup or give the tabloids something to juice up for the headlines
"hey this is where we first met last year who would've thought" he said with a stupid amused grin on his face
"yeahhh you fancied me first healy" i said jokingly
"okay darling who got me into bed first ay?"
i just rolled my eyes and whispered
"don't act like you didn't enjoy it"
"i will enjoy it even more later" he said making me go red he just sat down nonchalantly
most of the categories have been said and the presenter was making jokes about everyone in the room and j couldn't breathe at his comment  about george's hair looking like he'd been electrocuted
"and hey let's not forget mr matty healy the player he had swift and Y/L/N in the same place at the same time don't hate the player hate the game ladies and gentlemen"
my heart dropped that's the only joke i didn't laugh at it was a sensitive subject ad we was both hurt for 6 months by it our whole table just didn't look amused at all i know it was only a joke but it was by far the most brutal one
"hey just ignore it okay we know what happened and where we are now" matty said kissing my forehead i just smiled and held his hand
and the winner of best song is
"robbers the 1975"
i immediately stood up and gave matty a hug i was so so proud of them
"omg congratulations i love you"
he gave me the biggest hug ever
"i love you"
they went and collected their award and did a speech in true 1975 style well matty style i should say
"wow thank you guys when we put this album out we didn't think anyone would listen to it but here we are with this bad boy if an award we appreciate all the fans who voted and a massive thank you to our label and manager and id like to say a thank you to my girlfriend Y/N she's made me a better person and is helping us write some bangers for the next album we love you guys goodnight"
my heart melted at the speech he truly had a way with words
we was now at the afterparty and i was talking to chris martin from coldplay he was such a nice guy we just talked about music and touring
"hey chris mind if i steal her" i heard matty say
"go ahead mate nice talking to you" he said with a smile
"heyyy award winner" i said giving him a hug
"heyyyy" he said clearly drunk it didn't take much for him to be drunk i took a few shots with him and we danced all night long
"hey i'm getting tired so you mind if i go" i asked matty i knew he would want to stay and he said earlier he was staying at his and george's place tonight
"i'll come with you" he said
"are you sure i mean your more than welcome but i don't want to ruin your night of fun by cutting it short"
"no no i want to come with you let me go get our coats"
we made it home after an eventful day and it was one of the best days i've had in a long time

JUST GIRLS-matty healy Where stories live. Discover now