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"can we talk" matty said sitting down on the foot of my bed
"yeah we can" i said bluntly i just didn't understand why he let it go on for so long
"listen i'm sorry idk what was going out my head was all over the place i didn't even know what day it was Y/N i promise"
"well why would you let it go on for that long especially when you was sat right next to me matty i have feelings too and we've only just got back to talking" i said clearly frustrated with the whole situation
"i know i know and i'm so so sorry i didn't think"
"yeah you never do matty" i just let the anger come out in my tone at this point i was fed up
"i love you so much Y/N and us being back on track is all i've wanted since you left that day in paris and i don't want to loose you again over a stupid mistake"
i love him i really do and i can't just loose him over mollys friend who i didn't even really know so i didn't know what to expect
"i love you too matty and it's fine we'll just put it behind us"
without another second to think he pulled me in and kissed me i couldn't believe i had him back and i couldn't be happier give or take the kiss he had about 10 minutes ago but we learn from our mistakes
i felt the sun creeping in through my curtains i groaned and turned over to find matty next to me in bed we both fell asleep in our clothes so i got up to shower and once i saw the state of my apartment i decided i would clean it up before my shower so i did and it looked a lot better i then showered and got into some clean clothes
i went back to my room to see matty sat up looking rough i think we both drank way too much
"morninggg" i said cheerily hopping onto the bed
"morning Y/N/N" he said sleepily opening his arms up i lay on him and we watched an episode of friends and just took the morning to unwind and get back to our normal states
"i wanna take you out somewhere tommorow"matty said moving my hair out of my face
"ooo where?"
"that's a suprise"
it was now the day after and matty was taking me somewhere but i had no clue what to wear or where i was going all i know is he is picking me up at 7pm so i got ready and waited for him to turn up
i heard a knock on my door as i opened it matty was stood there with flowers and a huge smile on his face
"hey darling" he said
"omg matty there are beautiful" i said taking the flowers out of his hands and pulling him into an embrace
"you look beautiful" he said looking me up and down this man truly never fails to amaze me with the way he makes me feel
"thank you don't look bad yourself healy" i said playing on what i said to him on our first encounter
"let's get going" matty said grabbing my hand and leading me to his car
as soon as we was in the car i could see he had been listening to "alive" mine and mollys song
"omg are you a fan matty" i said jokingly
"ofc i am anything you do i'm a fan of" he replied so smoothly making me blush and look out of the window
"okay we're hereee" he said grinning at me
we was at a beautiful rooftop bar in manchester i have mentioned wanting to go here so many times and he actually picked up on it
"omg you remembered" i said smiling widely
"ofc i did"
we got seated down and had an amazing view of the manchester high rise buildings we both ordered a drink and it was truly so unreal being say where i am right now
"so do you like it" he asked me
"i love it and i also love how we're back i truly missed you so much and i was so hurt because of what i though but now i know that you didn't  have them intentions and i'm so happy to just be here with you right now" i said looking into his eyes
"i'm sorry about everything that happened in the past and i never meant to hurt you i care so much about you more than you even know and i'm so happy you can put it behind us and i can be here with you now seeing you happy makes me happy and i love you" his words made me feel warm
"i love you too"
"so i've wanted to ask you this for the longest time Y/N will you be my girlfriend?"
omg i can't believe he just asked me that i dont think i've ever been happier
"yes of course i will be"
he pulled me into a long kiss and the moment was truly special and we were finally in a place where we both was happy and knew where we was in each others minds and i was now officialy his girlfriend
we made it back to my apartment and we both got into our pjamas well matty just got into his boxers and molly was at george and mattys place so we had the apartment to ourselves we decided to watch a film on netflix but couldn't choose one
"can we pleaseeee just watch the notebook" i pleaded it was my favourite film
"ugh okayyy fineeeee" he said even though i knew he was going to love it
the film started and we was just in each others company and it was such a relief
"okay this ryan gosling guy i think i have a man crush" matty said
i burst out laughing i knew that this would happen
"i agree he is very handsome" i said giggling
"hey hey hey your gonna make me jealous"
"oh don't worry your my favourite" i said kissing him softly
the film was near an end and i felt the tears down my face already it was honestly so emotional i heard sniffling and i knew matty was crying too he was an emotional guy when he wanted to be the film ended and i turned to him
"are you crying?" i asked
"yeah it's really sad" i just looked at him he was so in touch with his feelings and i adored it so much
"can we go to bed i'm tiredddd" i asked
"of course we can babe"
he picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bed he placed me down and started kissing me i wanted it to carry on so i deepened the kiss it was getting heated he was now ontop of me and i couldn't help myself
"i thought you were tired" he said smirking
"not anymore"

@trumanblack-were back comments:@Y/N_official-i love you @adamhann-finallyyyy!!@denisewelch-i want to meet her x

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@trumanblack-were back
@Y/N_official-i love you
@denisewelch-i want to meet her x

JUST GIRLS-matty healy Where stories live. Discover now