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me and molly had landed late afternoon back into manchetser we went home and unpacked i still hadn't heard from matty other than his good luck text yesterday morning i was honestly really worried i hope he hasn't been using again and i hope that he's okay
"hey mol do you wanna go round to the boys later im worried about matty"
"yeah course george hasn't really text me either idk what's going on"
the time was now around 8pm and we drove to the boys apartment after still having no calls or texts from them
"do you think there okay" molly asked
"i fucking hope so"
the truth was i honestly felt sick to my stomach how could they both not have contacted us especially after one of the biggest achievements in our careers
we pulled up to the apartment block and went to the door the first knock there was no answer second knock no answer so i decided to use my key that matty gave me incase of emergencies or just because
i unlocked the door to see no one in the living room or the kitchen it was so strange so molly checked george's room and george was smoking a joint acting all chilled like we haven't heard from him in 2 days
"are you fucking serious" molly spat out at him
"what's wrong babe" he said going closer to her
"do you not know how to text your girlfriend or call"
"look listen-"
"save it george where's matty" i asked
"don't know"
i was so confused as to why he was being so off with me and molly
i went to mattys room and the door was shut it was never ever shut i slowly opened it and my jaw fell the floor
i saw a girl half naked ontop of him he had his hands in her hair and tongue down her throat
i felt sick i felt dizzy i couldn't even stand up right
"what the fuck" i shouted towards them both molly stood with her hand over her mouth and george didn't say anything
matty finally noticed me stood there and threw the girl off him by time he'd done that i was already walking towards the front door
"wait babe" he rushed after me grabbed my arm and turned me around i was crying i was heartbroken
"no matty no what the fuck was that"
"i can explain"
"please fucking do i just had one of the best experiences of my life and i come home to you with your tongue down some girls throat god knows what else you've done" i was shouting i felt my voice break at every word that left my mouth
he stepped closer to me
i backed up
"it was a mistake i'm using again and i don't know i was lonely"
"i was gone for 2 fucking days 2 days and your telling me you was lonley maybe if you tried answering your fucking phone you wouldn't be how could you do this to me i though you loved me"
"i do love you Y/N more than anything"
how could he even look at me and say that after what i just saw i felt sick
i was sobbing at this point he came closer to me and tried to hold me
"don't fucking touch me"
"babe it was a mistake i'm sorry i'm an idiot"
"you don't fucking love me matty you don't care about me you never will if you can go and fuck someone else you just lie and lie" i was shaking from how hard i was crying he held me tightly i tried to fight it by moving and hitting his chest but he wouldn't let me go
"i hate you for doing this to me why me why can't you just love me" i sobbed into his chest
"i do i do i'm sorry i hate myself" he started crying too i stood back from him and just looked at him the man i was so in love with had just cheated on me and all he could say was a petty sorry
"why would you want me to be your girlfriend why would you tell me you love me was it all just a game to you"
all i could see was his eyes change from sad to rage i knew drugs made him lash out but i didn't want him to do that to me
"you know what george got with molly and i wanted it so i just got with you because it was the easy option i don't love you i never did"
my heart shattered the room was silent i didn't know what to say or do my body felt like it had shut down
i just stared at him blankly how could he be so evil toward me
"no Y/N i didn't mean that i was angry im so sorry babe i'm sorry"
i just let the tears fall from my eyes
"no i don't ever want to talk to you again how could you i love you and you can do this to me i don't want to see you again and i fucking mean it this time"
and with that i stormed out and got in my car i know molly would just stay there because i need space i just put my head on the wheel and sobbed and sobbed until nothing came out that's when i saw his figure coming towards my car i started my engine and got ready to drive away
"Y/N please open the door!" he pleaded
i just ignored him
i rolled the window down
"what else do you have to say to me you hate me go ahead" i cried out to him
"no i didn't mean anything i said i love you i really do"
"you ruined us matty you did you not me"
he just cried as he stood at my car window
"please don't leave me i need you"
he begged me
"i can't stay i have to go" i rolled up the window and drove away i could hear him shouting me but i just drowned it out
i couldn't believe what had just happened

JUST GIRLS-matty healy Where stories live. Discover now