You're his best friend and you hate his girlfriend Part 1

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Every Friday you and Ashton would have your best friend sleepover. So there you were standing outside his house in your sweatpants and an oversized sweater, your overnight bag slung over your shoulder. You rang the doorbell and waited for him to answer but he didn't. To be precise his girlfriend, Jenna. A tall, blonde with tanned skin and high cheekbones. Basically your everyday bitchy girlfriend.

"Is Ashton in?" You asked politely even though you hated her guts, she always cheated on her boyfriends and you would be the one to pick up the pieces.

"Yes but he doesn't want to see you cause you're an ugly fat bitch with no friends!" You felt the tears begin to well up in you e/c eyes, you knew she was just out to get you but you couldn't help not feeling insecure.

"And who the hell would where that?" She pointed at your comfy clothes.

"Hmm maybe people who don't want to look like they have a stick up their ass... Maybe you shouldn't have stood to close when he threw the stick to the dog!" You retorted sick of her attitude and the way she treated you but sadly that was the moment Ashton decided to show up, ignorant to what she said to you.

"Y/n what the hell?" He asked angrily.

"Did you forget what day it was today?" You asked calmly as you could see the cogs turning in his head.

"Y/n..." he started but you cut him off.

"You know what I'm done. I'm sick of you Ashton Fletcher Irwin always sticking up for your bitch of a girlfriend. And when she cheats on you don't come crying to me cause I'll just turn the other way like you always do to me." You yell, tears dripping down your cheeks.

"Come on Ashy let's go back inside and let Y/n go home. She's been through a lot!" You opened your mouth in disbelief.

"You, Ashton are the worst fucking best friend in the world!" He starts to say something.

"NOPE I'M NOT HEARING IT! JUST DON'T TALK TO ME!" And with that you stormed back down the path and into your car where fresh tears rolled down your face...

The boys and you were round Calum's house generally having a good time playing Monopoly and watching Michael get competitive was the funniest thing ever because he kept saying things that went along the lines of 'Lucas your so bad at this game... Oh your winning...well not for long cause Mike-ro-wave is coming back'. Until the doorbell went which Calum stood up and got. Luke whispered to you.

"I bet you it's the clingy bitch again!" You giggled softly and turned your attention to the blonde boy next to you. Calum had been your best friend since day 1 and you did everything together even bath together when you were young. But since he started going out with Zoey he's pushed you aside and everyone knew how rude she was to you but he was oblivious. If anything Luke has been more of a best friend than Calum had been over the last two months.

"Oh why are they here?" A nasally voice came from the door frame. Luke sighed, Michael grunted and Ashton looked like he was about to pull his hair out while you just had a look of pure hatred on your face.

"They're my friends Zo." He responded.

"But I thought we were gonna be alone. Just the two of us..." I could picture her perfectly manicured nails raking down his chest while her caked face full of make up smooshed onto his.

"Hey Cal you coming back to play Monopoly. I don't know how much longer Michael can take he's having Monopoly withdrawal!" You shouted making the boys laugh. A slender dirty blonde entered the room.

"What is she doing here?" She spat, and I laughed

"Oh sweetie I've been here since I could walk. What are you doing here?"

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