You're his best friend and you hate his girlfriend Part 2

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You drove off to the coffee shop you and Ashton always go to when he comes back from tour and you want to catch up. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you ordered the usual from Nancy who, like always gave you a discount. "I'll bring a hot chocolate out Y/n." She said with a sympathetic smile. You smiled thankfully and gave her some money. You sat down, tears still pouring down your face. "How could he forget? He never forgets! It's all Jenna's fault, why did she ever have to come into my life!" You thought to yourself. You saw the steaming mug of hot chocolate that Nancy promised you and as you looked up to thank her you couldn't help the look of surprise etch onto your face. "Ashton what are you doing here?" You ask confused. "I broke up with Jenna..." He mumbled. "After you left she told me how she was treating you thinking that I'd laugh at it. Obviously she doesn't know me well so I broke up with her. She was being a bitch to you Y/n. And I was too blind to see it!" You leant across the round table and placed Ashton's hand in yours, giving him a soft smile. "I knew where to find you because you always come here when you're upset. So please forgive me?" He asked smiling shyly. "Of course I do silly. Come here!" You got up and gave him a big bear hug and you could feel the butterflies erupt in your stomach. He pulled your chin up to look at him and leant in, connecting your lips. You melted into his warm embrace and you heard Nancy cheer "Finally took you two long enough. Hot chocolates on the house!" She said pushing two more hot chocolates your way. Giggling as Ashton slipped his hand into yours and waited for the rest of the night to unfold...

Your whole body was shaking in anger as you threw the dice onto the board. He had left you for that slut. The one who's always been by his side. Through thick and thin. Through the cootie stage and the teenager stage. How could he? " Um Y/n are you sure your okay? I mean Calum did just kinda ditch you for Zoey..." Luke trailed off seeing the white hot fury in your e/c eyes. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" You snapped and stormed up into the bathroom, slamming the door once you got there. Staring at your reflection you saw the tears start to drip. You hear a familiar voice come from downstairs. "She's just run up to the bathroom mate. I'm not sure she'll let you in." You heard Luke say. A few moments later there's frantic knocking on the wooden slab. "WHAT?" You shout hoping they'd just go away. "Y/n please just open the door." You hear Calum whisper, his voice cracking making your heart break even more. Hesitantly you open the door to meet a red, puffy faced Calum and his eyes light up once he sees you. "Y/n I'm so so so sorry. Please forgive me even though I've done the worst thing ever. I regret ever dating her. Please just hear me out." You held out your arms and he ran into them holding you close to his body and whispered sweet nothings into your ears. "Sit down." You motion to the closed toilet seat as you sit down on the cold, tile floor. "You see Y/n, 2 months ago I had this brilliant plan that I'd go out and find a fake girlfriend to make you jealous. Well I found Zoey..." He began. "Wait you were trying to make me jealous?" You cut him off. "Yes let me get to that part." He said rolling his eyes. "Around 2 weeks into the relationship I found out that she was saying horrible things to you, I tried to comfort you but she wouldn't let me. You see Y/n I love you. And that's why this whole ordeal happened." He bowed his head in shame. "Why didn't you just tell me?" He shrugged and you rolled your eyes. Leaning forward you placed your lips on his and watched as his eyes widen. He placed his hands on your waist as yours run through his curly mop of brown waves. "And that's how you kiss guys..." You hear Ashton whisper into his phone. "ASHTON FLETCHER IRWIN ARE YOU KEEKING THIS?" Calum bellowed. Ashton shot him a cheeky smile. "Maybe..." The next 5 minutes was just you, Luke and Michael watch Calum chase Ashton round the house and laughing your heads off...

It was two weeks later and both you and Calum had been ignoring Luke. While on your way to History a pale skinned ginger stood in front of you with a snarl. "Y/n what did I say. Stay the fuck away from my boyfriend and go suck Calum's dick!" She yelled making the whole corridor stare at the two of you. You looked around for Calum who had decided to go to the boys toilets at the wrong moment. "Oh is your little boyfriend Calum here not here to save you? Ashley, Gemma come here..." Your head was pounding as you tried to find a way out of this situation. You suddenly stopped when 4 sharp fingernails met the side of your cheek. You winced in pain and felt the blood drip from the new wound. You couldn't stop yourself as you slapped her hard around her face leaving a red handprint. She screamed in pain and everyone was crowded in a circle round the both of you. "You little bitch..." She screeched. "You don't scare me. Your just the school slut. Wait for it, in 10 years time guess who's going to be earning more money? Me..." You growled. She tried to put you in a headlock but you elbowed her in the gut and she screamed in pain again. "Y/n..." You heard a familiar voice shout. You looked up to see the blonde haired giant and smile slightly but giving Mia time to jump on your back an start pulling your hair. "Mia! Stop it!" You heard the principal yell but she kept pulling eventually getting pulled off by an angry Luke and Calum. The principal gave you a worried look, "Y/n go to the nurses office, Luke take her. Mia your coming with me..." "Oh yeah and Mia..." Luke shouted to Mia and she looked up expectantly. "We're over." An angry looking Mia skulked behind the furious principal as the went into his office. After the crowd dispersed and hurried off to class Luke helped you to the nurses office to where you were checked out, and sent home with Luke to look after you until you got home. "I'm sorry Y/n..." He said sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. "Hmm..." You looked up at his sad pouting face. "I'm in love with you Y/n always have been always will be but I thought you wouldn't like me back because you're so beautiful and funny and smart and just an amazing person. So I thought if I dated someone else I wouldn't be so crazy about you. But I guess I was wrong because if anything I've fallen deeper in love you." You smiled up at him. "Hey Luke..." He nodded embarrassed. "I love you too." His eyes light up and the dimples formed. He leaned down and connected your lips which moved feverishly together like it was the last time you get to do it. "Your so much better than Mia..." You smiled as he kissed the top of your forehead and walked you home...

After storming out of Michael's house he tried ringing, texting and face-timing you but you ignored them. It was his loss sacrificing his happiness to be with that hoe. The first few days you thought it was the best idea but it soon dawned on you that you missed Michael so much. Now you were cuddled at home underneath a Mount Everest look-a-like blanket fort with a tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream while watching for the second time 'The Breakfast Club'. The first time you watched it was with Michael and it was one of the memories that you never forgot. Your phone rang and you glanced over at it 'It's Mikey ... Love ya' it read. You ignored it and remembered the time when he gave you his number in your phone when you were in Year 5 (or 5th Grade for Americans). Feeling upset and lonely you called the pizza guy and ordered a large pepperoni with BBQ wings, 20 minutes later the doorbell rang and you opened the door. "Large pepperoni with BBQ wings... For a Miss Y/n." You barely looked up and just motioned to the glass coffee table that sat in the middle of your living room. The guy placed your food on the table and then just stood there watching you, you snapped "What is your problem? Have you never seen a broken hearted girl before?" "Did I really break your heart?" You gazed at the guy in the red uniform and studied his face. "Michael..." You whispered. "Y/n... I'm so sorry... I realised what I said as soon as you left... I've broken up with her... Michelle, that name means nothing to me now... All I care about is you... So if it's not too late, Y/n will you be my girlfriend and if nothing I have said can change your mind then I'll leave and we can pretend this never happened... All I want you to know is that I love you, Y/n M/n L/n and I always will..." You stayed silent, he sighed and walked out the door closing it slowly behind him. You let a relieved sigh and ran out the door catching up with the boy you loved since you met him. "Well it's good I love you too otherwise I wouldn't do this!"You reached up and placed your lips on his. Once you stopped he looked at you, touched his lips and said "That was definately worth waiting 10 years for." You giggled and he smiled before pulling you into another kiss...

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