Prince! Luke Part 4

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You fiddled with the beautiful ring on your finger, "What if he goes back to Sasha?" You thought aloud. "Hey wife to be!" Jack said knocking on the door and popping his head in. "Hey Jack." You smiled slipping your tiara into your hair. "You look great Y/n Luke's a lucky guy." He chuckled before picking up you bouquet of flowers and handing it to you. "But what about you Jack who's the lucky girl that you're going to marry?" You smirked. His cheeks flushed a deep red. "That next year, this is yours and Luke's time to shine, maybe even produce a few nieces and nephews for Ben and I." You gasped and slapped him on the shoulder. "Jack!" "Hey it's a good idea." "Come on we need to go." You said pulling on your shoes and fixing your dress. "Does it look alright?" You asked tugging on a few strands of loose hair. "It looks more than alright Y/n, you look perfect. Now let's go wow the crowds." He said linking arms with you.

Luke stood at the front of the altar nervously pulling his tie looser and shuffling his feet. "Luke you'll be fine. This is big bro advice from a guy who's already married." Ben comforted Luke, brushing the lapel of his suit down. "But I can't live without her. What happens if something goes wrong?" He panicked. "Luke, this is the same girl who's loved you since she's met you, when you liked Sasha she gave up her happiness to be with you so that you could be happy without her. The only reason she offered to marry Jack was so that she could still see you, no matter how much it hurt her. I'm pretty sure she's not going to run out on her own wedding that she's probably been planning since she was a little girl!" Ben said looking straight into Luke's eyes. Luke's soul calmed once Ben had finished his speech. He surveyed the crowd and saw your older brother sitting with your mother, he had only met your mother but was extremely petrified to talk to your older brother. Jack walked quickly down the isle and stood beside Ben. "She's coming down soon." He panted. "Good luck son!" Andrew said with Liz by his side, they both smiled at him before sitting down when the everyone began to gasp as you swept down the isle with your father next to you. Once you had reached the altar your father kissed your forehead and whispered, "You did a good job with the husband Y/n. We love you." He then walked off and sat back down. You carried on the walk alone and up next to Luke. "You actually came." He whispered. "A princess never breaks her promise." You winked and turned your attention to the bishop.

"Do you, Y/n Y/M/n Y/L/n take Luke Robert Hemmings to be your lawfully wedded husband?"The bishop droned. "I do." "And do you, Luke Robert Hemmings take Y/n Y/M/n Y/L/n to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He looked you straight in the eye. "I do." "By the power invested in me I now pronounce you man and wife." The audience cheered as Luke kissed you passionately. "GET IN THERE LITTLE BRO!" Ben and Jack yelled which they then got scolded by Liz. "I know you love orchestras so..." Luke clicked his fingers and the wedding march tune came from a large orchestra from outside. You both ran down the isle and rice was thrown at you both.


"Luke this is beautiful!" You gasped as Luke led you out onto the balcony. You had just arrived at your honeymoon home for the next month. "Just like you." He whispered kissing your forehead and you closed your eyes. "That was one of the cheesiest thing you've said all day." You said, clasping your hands in his. "Well it's true." You felt vomit rise up your throat and you ran to the bathroom, bringing up the contents of your stomach. A warm hand rubbed smooth circles onto your back, "Let it all out." Your brain racked he possible solutions to why you kept throwing up. Then it clicked. "Luke." "Yes Y/n?" "I think I'm pregnant!"


(You get two parts for this)

You cradled the swaddle of blankets closer to your chest, Luke stood with a secured arm around you as Jack's wife-to-be glided down the isle. To the end of the ceremony , Luke looked towards you. " How's my little Prince doing?" He whispered, tickling Jacob's nose before taking him out of your arms. You slumped back onto a pew and watched as the happy couple exchange rings and then proceeded to run back down the isle. "Come on let's get to the reception." Luke said, balancing Jacob in one hand and holding your hand in the other.

"Aww he's so cute." Andrea, Jack's new wife cooed, rubbing Jacob's chubby cheeks. "Yeah he takes after Luke." You giggled, running your fingers through the tufts of blonde hair. "What did I do?" Luke said stepping up behind him. "You gave your beautiful features to our amazing son." You giggled, kissing Luke on the cheek. "Well he's going to be a heart breaker when he's older but that's because all the important features came from Y/n." He chuckled. You blushed as Andrea a we'd at you. "Can we have the bride and groom up for the first dance please?" Ben said speaking to the huge crowd. Andrea left you two for Jack and Luke whispered in your ear. "May I have this dance Princess?" His hand clasped in yours and you handed Jacob to Liz who was watching her middle child happily. "It's been a while since we danced Luke." You sighed happily as you joined the huge circle of dancers. "Yeah I remember that night." He paused. "It was the night where we dancing underneath the waterfall at our honeymoon and then we got busy." He wiggled his eyebrows and you slapped his chest. "Luke! There are children present." You scolded him laughing. He rested his forehead on yours and got lost in your deep e/c eyes. "I love you so much Y/n. You've given me a handsome little boy, you look the same when I first met you, your eyes hold tales that I have yet to discover and your personality I would never trade for anyone else's." You sighed happily and rested your head on his broad shoulders. "I love you so much Luke and I don't know what I'd do without you in my life." His baby blue eyes searched into yours. "Never leave me Y/n." Your fingers slipped through his perfectly styled quiif, "I would never dream of it Luke." You whispered, attaching your lips, after the year you had been married Luke had never failed to give you butterflies. "OI YOU TWO GO GET A ROOM, WE DON'T NEED TO SEE YOU MAKE OUT!" A voice cried out and you disconnected your lips to glare at a cheekily smiling Ben. Luke rolled his eyes playfully before smirking. "Maybe we should go get a room." You ran out the room and heard Ben yell, "Not literally guys!"

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