Buying Ourselves Time

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Tony murmured to FRIDAY to get communication going between countries, and allow them to access the small, flying cameras that he let fly. Those cameras would allow people around the world to be aware of what is going on, but allowed strategists to see and be able to react in real time to help the heroes with decision making in this battle. FRIDAY chirped in affirmative, and enlisted JOCASTA for extra help in corralling humans, heroes, and villains as JARVIS needed all of his processing power in helping copilot with Tony as well as piloting the Iron Legion and Tony's customized suits that were en route. 

The Black Order landed first, their ships full of other aliens staying up in the sky. Tony called out their names across the comms as JARVIS had pulled up the information that the Guardians had provided them. "Squidward looking mother fucker is Ebony Maw- we need you Stephen, hand off organizing if you need to, but we need you here. Wanda go with him-" An orange portal spun itself into existence, Stephen nodding to the Avengers as he lifted off. Behind him trailed another person- a woman clothed in purple, a smirk clear on her face. 

"Oh this will be fun! A little chaos witch finally joining the fray! Mr. Sorcerer Supreme over here has a little artifact that I am guessing they want and we have to play keep away." The woman cackled, taking to the air as Ebony Maw flew towards them. "If we make it through this Scarlet, maybe I teach you a thing or two."

"If you think that I would allow you to teach her anything from that book I know you have, Agatha-" Stephen warned.

"Oh you never let a girl have fun, Doctor. But no, that book of mine will stay firmly in my hands. To have such a being of chaos in control of my book may break the multiverse, and even I have a certain amount of self preservation." Agatha cackled, Wanda confused as the two much more experienced sorcerers talked to each other. 

Stephen was the most put together, focusing with surgeons precision as he dodged and attacked in equal measure. Agatha was quite skilled, purple magic crackling around her, runes appearing around her. Wanda let her red magic flow out of her, doing her best to distract Ebony Maw, unknowing that her magic, given by the X-gene and kickstarted by the danger that was experimentation with the Mind Stone would give him some trouble to fight against. 

"Spy triplets should take Proxima Midnight- she's headed towards Vision. On that thought- Quicksilver, Falcon, and Winter, get Vision into the palace and get started on removing that stone from his head. Vision, link up with JOCASTA or FRIDAY, get downloading, just in case." The seven people addressed nodded, running towards their targets. "Corrupted Thranduil is Corvus Glaive, Rhodey and I will cover him. Thor is gathering the remaining battle worthy Asgardians, Cap, Ant Man, and Hulk get Cull Obsidian- the Hulk wannabe." 

The four on their way to the palace ran as fast as they could, the spy trio quickly jumping in front of Proxima Midnight to stop her charge towards Vision. The only female member of the Black order swung her spear, it clashing hard against Riptide. Percy gritted her teeth as the spear- which contained a star trapped inside, which gave it powers of a star, a captured supernova, and a black hole. Percy fell into her training, trusting that Natasha and Clint would work as her cover. She also trusted the Uru, Adamantium, and Celestial Bronze arm guard that protected her Mark of Achilles that Tony had worked on, developing them into nanites so that they would form where she wanted them, removing the need for him to know where her Mark was. Thor had brought back some Uru from when he went on his discovery journey with Bruce, having stopped to create a new weapon on the way home as he went to the last dwarf when he was getting his people away from Thanos. Loki had gone with them, but had become separated in the wormhole that brought them to Sakarr. 

Clashing and fighting was ringing out across the large swath of land that Wakanda had mapped out. With the groups of heroes, they could tag team the Black Order. Cull Obsidian was the first to fall with a roar and a ground shaking smash, Hulk's victory yell calling out over it. 

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