We Have A Hive Mind.... Wait What?

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The next four days were grueling and taxing to a whole new level for the Avengers, especially the new ones.

It all started out with the basics of fighting- punches, blocks, and how to move. Even those who knew how to fight were taught, keeping everyone on the same level. As explanation, Percy simply said "what's the point of learning to be a team if we don't know how we each fight and learn to adapt to each said fighting style?"

They practiced for a day before Percy had an idea. "Wanda, how about you try to link us together. That way we can link and share our moves?"

At this Wanda looked pensive. "I-I don't know... wha- what if it goes badly?"

Percy smiled. "It won't go wrong. I promise. Please trust me. Try it with me first. I have a lot of practice with mind games. Don't focus on seeing your worst fear, focus on helping." Wanda placed her hands flat against on either side of Percy's face, shaking slightly with fear. Percy placed her hands over Wanda's as a reassurance.

A minute ticked by, then two. After approaching the third minute, both women's eyes snapped open, Percy smiling at Wanda.

"Okay," Percy started, "everyone join hands please." Hands connected with each other, Bucky's metal left hand connecting with Percy's right joining the circle together.

They all seemed to wake up in a dark room. "Okay. Let me pull up memories of how each of us fight. Don't worry about how or when or who you learned with being revealed, there will be only the method showed."

Scene after scene blurred past them, analysis soon following showing how to adapt to each other, how to cover each other and fill in their weaknesses. Time was of no concept in this mind-scape, just memories. The torrent soon turned to pain and how to deal with it. How to care for wounds and treat others injuries. Most of that information came from either Banner, the spies, or Percy.

With treatment and care covered, the weapons information leapt from the floodgates of each memory. They learned how to safely change Tony's arch reactor, how to clean and use a gun, the basics of archery and fighting with a sword and/or knives. How to wrap your hands correctly for fighting flitted across thanks to Bruce, since he is a doctor.

Even though the team might not be able to lift Thor's hammer or draw Clint's bow, they knew how to use the hammer and arrows to their advantage. 

Hands soon unclasped, the team collapsing down, staying in the circle. It was a lot to take in- even if most of the technique didn't go into detail, there was a lot of information to file away.

The next two days were applying that knowledge. They learned how to fight as a team and how to compensate if they were down people. They even learned how to be the most efficient if they were alone or separated.

Countless bruises littered limbs and torsos. Joints were stiff and cracked with sudden movement. Muscles protested and chests heaved with lungs going into overdrive. Hearts beat fast keeping its body alive. Despite all this, the team never felt better than they did, knowing that they could adequately protect their team- their family.

After lunch on the fourth allotted fighting day, Percy called them over to a table that she set up in the middle of the training room. Multiple weapons lay on the wood, just waiting to be given out.

"Okay. So these were specially made for each of you by my little brother with a bit of help of my friend Leo. Rhodey please step up. Since you are both in the army and part of the Avengers I had a special gun made for you. Next to the safety is a button that you press. Once pressed, the bullets turn into an unlimited supply of Imperial Gold bullets. Once pressed again, the bullets will turn back to normal. The clip for the regular bullets will refill itself just like the gold ones."

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