Babysitting Sucks

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Update please read:
Hello- thanks for the wait. I haven't been updating the past two months because I have been facing a lot of mental health problems. But I'm back and I hope this chapter is what you wished for.

Even with Percy trusting the Trickster, the Avengers were still cautious. They had instated a guard to watch the god throughout the night.

Percy was awoken for her shift of watching outside the tent by Bucky's arms tightening around her middle in a nightmare. The woman turned around in the man's hold, facing him so she could wake him. She put her hands on either side of Bucky's face, letting her thumbs repetitively stroke his cheekbones, waiting for him to rise to awareness.

Percy felt back pop a few times as the pressure increased before she saw Bucky's fluttered open. His arms quickly released their crushing pressure, eyes apologetic. But Percy just patted his cheeks before heading over to Tony, who she saw was suffering the same fate as Bucky. Percy gently placed her hand on his shoulder, which caused the man's eyes to abruptly open, his arm lashing out and punching his supposed assailant in the stomach.

Percy ignored Tony's string of apologies as she led the two men out of the tent, quickly tossing the mechanic his tool bag and one of his projects that he brought with him. Bucky, on the other hand, she started to slow dance with him, swaying from side to side, nestled into his chest, as she hummed simple songs under her breath.

That was how the team found the trio as the sun rose over the horizon. Still groggy, the team just sat outside until campers piled out of their cabins. Glares were given out to anyone looking at the dancing duo weirdly before the team slowly got Percy's attention.

Percy extracted herself, leading her family towards breakfast. The team sat, passing around protein bars and drink packets. In the middle of breakfast, Percy stood up and addressed the crowd. "We have some business to attend to back at SHIELD. We have agreed to let a small group of demigods to accompany us, no more than three. You are welcome to decide amongst yourself who should go. That is all."

Talking immediately bubbled up as Percy sat down, the Avengers quickly finishing their meals. Once done the group went to their tent to get dressed. They all got dressed in their suits, Percy wearing a SHIELD issue catsuit identical to the one Maria Hill wears, her hair up in a perfect, smooth bun.

Once the team was ready, tent packed away and bags all good to go, they trekked to the big house where Chiron, Dionysus, and the three "questing" demigods waited.

"So. This is the team you put together." Percy said, hand on her hip. The demigods were Annabeth, of course, a demigod son of Ares named Hector, and a son of Hermes named Cole. The group nodded, allowing her to proceed. "Ok then. Ground rules. One: do exactly as I say- otherwise, I won't stop the fifty-odd agents from shooting you down. Two: do not speak or communicate in any way about anything that you see in SHIELD without my express permission. And three: I expect a certain level of respect for me and my fellow agents, no matter if you think we are just mercenaries or dumb useless peacekeepers.

"There are agents there who have seen more than any of you, and yet we still get up every morning to save the world- more than you can say while you sit here in your pristine little camp doing nothing to help those who actually need it."

The demigods grumbled and shifted around, but one look at Chiron got them to swear on the River Styx. As thunder crashed, Percy nodded, leading the teens away.

The Avengers were already all situated in their cars, those who could fly going off to meet them at the SHIELD base- Antman hitching a ride on Tony. Pietro picked up his sister and started to run, JARVIS leading his through his earpiece.

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