Don't Mess With A Woman Who Is Confident In High Heels

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I need ideas so please leave your own! Writers block sucks so if you want to see something please leave a comment! It might end up in the story.😊

"We just want what is the best for each and every one of you. And by putting this new curriculum into place, each and every one of you can reach your full poten-", the principal cut off as one the school administrators walked into the huge auditorium with a young woman in tow.

Everyone in the school had been gathered together in the huge high school auditorium in order to be lectured about the new school curriculum from the principal.

The administrator walked up to the principal and started talking hurriedly with him. Her brunette hair was in a bun and she was wearing a white blouse over a pink shirt. The shirt was tucked into black dress pants over black flats. The woman fiddled with her lanyard before the principal nodded.

The woman that was left to stand at the edge of the stage was a bit intimidating to say the least. She had a black button down tucked into black jeans. Over that she wore a calf length black coat that ended in two tails, her hands adorned with fingerless gloves. Her dark hair was tied back into a warrior braid and she wore black high heels. Her feet were shoulder width apart and her hands clasped in front of her. In all, the lady looked professional yet very imposing.

"Peter Parker? Your cousin is here to pick you up for early dismissal." The principal called out through the microphone in his hand.

Whispers arose as Peter blushed and started to grab his backpack. Flash, his bully who was sitting a row back from Peter voiced what many were thinking in a harsh whisper. "The hell? Parker has a hot cousin?!"

Peter choked on nothing as he scrambled out from the middle of the row and out into the isle.

The woman laughed as he saw the gangly teen scramble over, glad to get out of the school. The administrator handed over some paper work quickly for the woman to fill out.

"Why are you picking me up this early?" Peter asked- it was only a little after eleven- lunch hadn't even passed.

Peters cousin handed back the clip board, the microphone picking up her response as the principal checked it over. "It turns out I have an early meeting and since I am the only one who could have picked you up today, you have to come with me. I have lunch in the car and you are gonna have to change- I want you to make good impressions."

Peter knew what that meant. There was Avengers business and they needed him to suit up. What would make this better would be if the kids in his school would stop ogling his 'cousin'.


Once in the car, Peter ducked into the back and changed. Without looking into the back, Percy tossed the teen a sandwich and a cookie. "Your bug mom made it and your weird bug uncle snuck you a cookie. There should be a water bottle back there somewhere."

Peter grunted his thanks, struggling in the backseat. Percy continued on as she took a right and sped up slightly. "We need to pick up the twins before we head over to the Camp- Fury had decided that we made them wait long enough."

The black car silently slid to a stop in front of a bland building- which in fact was a SHIELD building. Peter slid over, tucking his clothes into his backpack as the twins slid in. The teen felt a little left out as the three traded a few words in Russian, but he had to quickly duck as a manila folder was chucked at him from the front.

Wanda, whom was in the middle took the file and started reading, the boys on either side of her leaning in. Abruptly, Percy's phone started to ring, the deaf woman quickly starting the call and putting the phone on speaker.

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