Missing Something They Never Had

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Demigod POV
The demigods walked, and in Chiron's case rolled, up to the Avengers, waiting for the group to stop conversing with each other. There was a mix of older campers and younger ones, but there were no siblings in the group. There was twenty four in all, minus Chiron, the max number allowed from each camp or school.

The reason for this gala was for schools and camps the chance to meet the Avengers and possibly get a grant. But the real reason why the demigods were there in the first place was to ask the Avengers for help. At first pretty much all the demigods at Camp Half Blood were appalled. They had to ask for help from mortals, and thus reveal themselves. Camp Jupiter was only slightly against it, only because they didn't want mortals to be brought into their affairs and get hurt because of it.

Times had changed since their savior left. The newbies in Camp Halfblood tended to become more prideful now that their constant humble tide had been banished. The ones who knew their savior and didn't slander them tended to be seen at Camp Jupiter, who told the stories of their acts and honored the hero.

The Greeks didn't say their saviors name anymore letting it be whispered faintly from cautious lips. The friends of their savior didn't tell anyone that their savior was actually a girl, it wasn't their story to tell. The gods and Annabeth didn't either, believing their savior, the "traitor", had been lying. They also didn't want to even think of the traitor as anything but what they were to them.

Even the naiads and dryads had changed. The naiads told their wooded counterparts of who they saw on the beach that fateful day so they could protect those few. Only their saviors friends could go swimming or canoeing anymore as many other campers, especially Annabeth, had found out the hard way. Ankles would be grabbed and dragged viciously before being let go, canoes tipped repeatedly. If there was one friend on the boat, they would find themselves perfectly dry on the boat as other campers found themselves at the mercy of the naiads.

Dryads hit campers with their branches as campers passed, tripping them with their roots. They also always won the foot races, not allowing anyone to beat them. If they played capture the flag, only the ones who were there for the one who held the blessing of Pan and the one who had a spirit connection with their new Lord came out unscathed.

The Pegasi refused to be ridden, bucking campers or kicking them and Terminus didn't even allow the Greeks past him, saying 'only the saviors friends. You staged a killing worse than Caesars.'

But the Fates forced them to ask for the mortal's help, saying that the coming war could not be fought without them, otherwise the demigods would fail miserably. So the Greeks pulled together a team to persuade the Avengers onto their side.

Once right next to the team of superheroes, there was a woman that they had never seen before talking amicably with the team. She was tanned, not artificially, skin soft but littered with thin white scars that only one with a practiced eye could see. She was lithe and looked small next to the super soldiers and Thor, as was customary. Another thing that the group saw was that the team seemed exceedingly comfortable with this black haired beauty.

Whenever they even looked at her they smiled, like she was the sun, like she was their glue. At least one teammate was always touching her in a friendly manner, as if they were afraid that she would be stolen away from them. A hand on the small of her back as they leaned in to talk in her ear quietly, a pat on the shoulder in passing, a squeeze or brush of the hand as they conversed, the faint touch on an elbow as they laughed, a hand around her waist or shoulders as they talked as a group.

It reminded Chiron and the other more senior campers of their savior. Their glue. The one that held them together, always offering gentle reassuring touches. Passing words of 'good job' and 'you are amazing' would shift the campers attitudes.

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