Did You Get the Number of that Train?

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A/N: There is a part in this which refers to other people's religions and cultures- if anyone of those cultures finds my depiction offensive, please reach out and I will delete that part. I wanted to address and welcome other people's cultures instead of ignoring them.

Please comment- I love reading your reactions!


"Kill the Avengers and all who stand in your way."

Percy's body jerked, limbs flailing as the Stones figured out how to control her body. Her solid gold eyes were unblinking, faces fully slack. Riptide had been dropped, causing it to disappear and reappear as a pen in her pocket, yet she didn't reach for it. Instead Power formed a blade made of its crackling power, twined with the fluidity that was Reality. 

"Percy!" Bucky called. Natasha and Clint's heads snapped toward the super soldier, listening to him and knowing that those weren't her words. "Percy, listen to me, please sweetheart, fight it, for me. You're so strong, don't let this be the end!" 

Percy's head snapped towards him, tilting slowly. She stalked towards Bucky, a hand moving up to caress his cheek. And then suddenly her arm jerked down, her hand on his chest, and she pushed him. Bucky went flying. It was only Groot with his branches that caught him and saved him from creating a new ditch in the soil. Bucky was heartbroken- he could faintly feel Percy. It felt like she was slamming herself at the door that was erected between them due to pain and reinforced by the Stones themselves. He felt like crying- he couldn't even knock on that door back, to let her know she was there as the Stones lashed out at him when he tried.

Muttering a thank you to the living tree, Bucky settled into the Winter Soldier mindset. This motherfucker tortured his soulmate, took her away from him. This man was going to die in the most torturous way possible, he was going to die knowing that no matter what he did or tried, that his efforts were for nothing. 

After Percy tossed Bucky away, she dashed forward. No matter which Avenger tried to stop her, no matter the Guardian or Sorcerer, she cut and slashed, tossing them away from her. She was silent through all of this, but as she fought her friends, the people she loved and admired, tears started to silently fall down her face. A blast of magic from Agatha and Stephen sent her flying into some rubble. 

Suddenly Thanos' voice called out over the din, frustrated that his new Gauntlet wasn't obeying his commands. Voice cruel and full of promised pain, it echoed. "Kill half of them. Kill the heroes with prejudice! Destroy them, now!" Percy had made her way to standing, when Thanos called out. She froze, the Stones vibrating, radiating heat and power. And suddenly, there was a shock blast of power. It was quick, breaking the sound barrier as it made its way out from Percy. 

Stephen, with his arms up, as if to start making a portal, was the first to start to turn to ash, and then Wanda. Pietro tried to race towards his little sister, but his legs started to disintegrate as well. Groot, Quill, Drax, Rocket, and Mantis dissolved as well. Sam, Scott, T'Challa, Loki and Bucky also found themselves disappearing. 

The original six Avengers found themselves alone, without their other members and their honorary members. The Wakandans, Greeks, and Romans were stumbling, unsure of what was going on as their brothers, sisters, friends, and family disappeared around them.

Inside her head Percy was screaming. She had to watch as her friends died in front of her. She had to watch as her demigod friends turned to ash. She had to watch as Bucky disappeared before her eyes. 

"Finally," sighed the Mad Titan, "it is done. Death shall soon come to me and I shall embrace her. Kill the everyone else in your way in the meantime as I wait for my Lady."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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