Fancy Watches That Could Kill You

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Warning please read: Hi guys. Its me. Sorry I didn't update last month. I had to put my dog, a silky terrier, down. His name was Taz and he was fifteen. I have known him for ten years and I was my first Christmas without him. I have based Alfred off of him. May he always greet people with leaves, pinecones, and kisses when they arrive at Elysium, like he always did with us. RIP Taz 2001- 2016.

In remembrance of him, I wrote 1,200 words past what I usually write.

The team met up in front of the doors of Tony's lab. At the moment that they had gathered, Tony and Bruce stepped out, both with safety goggles on. Bruce had a purple dress shirt and grey slacks, a white lab coat covering that. Tony wore a dark grey muscle shirt, the arc reactor shining through, along with jeans, his own lab coat tied around his waist.

Tony had gloves on, holding a wrench and a lit welding torch while Bruce simply held a beaker. Tony then spoke. "We're here to science shit up motherfuckers!"

Steve balked then glared at Tony. "Are you serious?"

Tony smirked then began speaking slowly, as if Cap was two. "We... are here... to SCIENCE... shit up... motherfucker." There was a beat of silence. "Now who's ready?" With that, Tony lead everyone inside for his and Vision's hobby.

Everyone spread out before Tony told them what not to touch, lest they get hurt.

Pietro being Pietro touched something and got mildly zapped. What made it all the funnier was that Dum-E rolled over and thoroughly hosed him with the fire extinguisher. The machine then rolled over to a laughing Tony, who patted it in reward, causing Dum-E to emit a happy whirring sound.

After Wanda used her magic to take off the white smothering foam of her brother, Tony and Vision took the floor.

"You will break off into groups if you want to and decide what you want to make. Tony and I will walk around to provide help." Vision calmly added.

Wanda and Pietro broke off together, not quite sure what to do. Sam and Rhodey paired off, deciding to work on modifying Sam's RedWing. Steve and Bucky paired off, also not knowing what to do seeing as they were senior citizens. Clint and Nat broke off together, the bird working on arrows and the spider working on her bites.

Bruce paired with Thor, in order to minimize the possible damage. That left Percy all alone, which she didn't mind at all. Vision politely walked over and asked what she wanted to do, Tony busily working with those who did not know what to do at all. Percy smiled at the man gently.

"I want to work on my watch a bit. Hydra disabled a lot of the features on it, plus my little brother made it for me. He did send me directions on what do do and how to do it so that I won't accidentally blow it up- something that I am prone to do. I just need these tools. Hopefully we can get them all." Percy said gently, voice level and calm.

Vision smiled slightly he went about collecting what Percy needed. Percy nodded a thanks before hugging Vision. People turned towards the dup, watching as Vision stiffened before relaxing, gently returning the hug. "Thank you for carrying me out of that Hell hole. Without you," at this Percy pulled away. "All of you, I would still be in that place. Where I could see everything and felt myself dying but I couldn't do anything. So thank you all so much. And my family thanks you too."

With quiet dismissals, all of them saying it was their pleasure, Tony turned the music on. The man of iron the went around and gave out white lab coats to everyone, which all fit perfectly, most likely from JARVIS sneakily taking their measurements.

Percy sat on a stool, one leg hanging down and the other resting on the bar connecting the four legs. She took off her watch slowly, a bit nervous.

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