Suicide Jumps Into The Ocean

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Please comment your ideas :) it helps with getting out of writers block. Feel free to like and comment freely.

New update: what changed? Tony's first language is most likely Italian, not Spanish because Maria Carbonell was, at least to me, Italian.

The team woke up and came downstairs to find Percy on the couch, hair splayed around her like a halo, a bit of drool dried on her pillow. A blanket was laid haphazardly around her tanned, short-clad legs. Mrs. O'Leary was asleep on Percy's bare stomach where Percy's black tank top had ridden up a bit. A hand was in the puppy's black fur, the other dangling of the side of the couch.

The team noticed that she had some dried tear stains on her cheeks, showing that she had probably came out to the couch after a nightmare. But this was the most relaxed that they had ever seen her, long black lashes framing her peaceful face. Now that she was still, thousands of freckles were seen across her cheeks, shoulders, some on her stomach and even her legs.

Natasha walked over, sitting back onto her feet before carefully setting the groggy puppy on the ground next to her. She then set about waking the young woman up.  Nat rubbed Percy's cheek with a thumb, humming a tune. Percy's sea green eyes groggily opened as mumbled words in a different language spilled out to the tune of Nat's humming.

Mrs.O'Leary barked before Percy fixed her shirt then picked the puppy up and put her on her hip like a child. The dog looked around, curiously blinking at the humans over her owners shoulder.

Clint then put a blanket around Percy, seeing as she liked to be wrapped up after a nightmare. It made her feel comforted and like she was getting a long, warm hug. It also reminded her of when her Aunt Hestia would allow her to cuddle up to her when she or her soulmate was hurt or when her soulmate was in extraordinary cold conditions.

Lucky for Percy and her soulmate, after Percy was painfully banished, her soulmate feeling nothing of her pain that day since it absolutely overloaded Percy's nerves, neither got severely hurt. This was caused because both realized that they needed to be safe. After that whole incident, both sides realized that Percy almost died that day and they would now stop at nothing to keep themselves safe so they could meet their counterpart.

Percy walked into the kitchen and placed her dog down, getting a bowl and some puppy chow, not even fazed at the wet foods look or smell. She then puttered around the kitchen muttering to herself in several different languages. Vision looked puzzled, along with most everyone else, causing Natasha to explain.

"When Percy is very tired, she forgets to speak English. Plus its a good defense mechanism because if she was to be captured, it is very likely that they would only know one or two languages but they would get lost in trying to understand the other languages while at the same time keep track of the continuous switching. Its actually kinda funny."

In Russian, Percy yelled at Natasha. "Yeah, well, fuck you Natasha. It's not like I can help it. My mind is all kinds of messed up."

Bucky, Pietro, Clint, Wanda, and Natasha burst out laughing at that. Percy rolled her eyes and continued moving about the kitchen, fixing herself some breakfast, her puppy dancing around her feet. When Percy sat down, placing her meal on the kitchen island. Percy had fixed herself a sandwich and a large glass of root beer, not caring that it was only breakfast.

As Percy started eating her own food, Mrs. O'Leary started too. Everyone awwwed on the inside at the sight. Once Percy and her puppy finished, Percy took care of her plate and cup, looking down when the black lab pawed at her leg. The puppy, tail and butt wagging, held her empty bowl in her mouth, patiently holding it so Percy could wash it.

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