Obliviousness. Obliviousness EVERYWHERE.

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Ten years, seven months, three weeks, and four days.

Ten years, seven months, three weeks, and four days.

Those nine words. Those nine simple words hit each and every demigod, tore into their very being. Weak knees and flitting eyes infected the group like the plague, incapacitating the easy targets while wounding those who put up a strong facade. Yes, the teens could ignore those biting words, the reminders of the traitor from the First War, but at the reminder of their total and utter rejection and disrespect of their now deceased dead hero, the demigods blanched.

But one out of the hundreds there stood strong, not caring of the death marked words that were just hissed out like a viper. Annabeth Chase stood strong and uncaring, fire burning in her eyes. "And who do you think you are, going around and accusing us of our wrong doings? We brought you here to help us save the world- not throw petty excuses at us. So, delegate a leader to speak and come with us so we can talk about the actual important matters."

Thor smirked. "Here in our group, we are equals. We lead each other to victory. And we don't leave others behind, no matter who they are." The demigod's felt another jab at that accusation. "But our speakers will be Captain America and Agent EctoCore here, as they are the better wordsmiths."

Annabeth glared but Chiron put a hand out. "Okay. Since the whole Camp will be attending along with a few of the Roman diplomats, we will have to talk in the main pavilion in the middle of the original cabins. Lead the way Michelle." Chiron turned to a blonde daughter of Nemesis. The girl skipped ahead, her short and wavy bob bouncing about her head, framing her face.

The group trudged to the main pavilion which was surrounded by the original twelve cabins, a large table already set up while a dozen demigods dressed in purple t-shirts stood stiffly around the circle. The Avengers made their way to the front of the group, shaking hand with the Romans and inclining their heads to each as they all introduced themselves to either side.

Once the Romans and the Avengers had finished, Annabeth impatiently took center stage, placing down a few printed photos of a huge purple man dressed in gold. Next to that picture was of a gold gauntlet, some gems missing from their places.

"This is Thanos. He has been slowly collecting gems called the Infinity Stones. We don't know how he got each one, but we know that Thanos would have likely left death and destruction in his path. Luckily, we know that Doctor Strange is alive and well- an assassin had been sent after him and the Time Gem but he escaped- just barely- with his life. As for the most recent and accurate lead as to why Thanos has done this was because he wants to court Death by killing many- at least his aspect of Death since Thanatos swore on the River Styx against being the Death that Thanos is after. Deadpool though, is the one that Death is interested and thus has delayed Thanos' pursuits for the time being."

Off in the distance a red mercenary turned to an invisible camera and channeled his inner Office. "Well, I guess someone is talking about me. Hope they mention how awesome I am. It would a shame if the writer downplayed my character." Yells were heard as blades whistled through the air, twining with death-bringing bullets.

"Anyways, Thanos will most likely be attacking soon, targeting Vision, but we need to be pre-"

Giggling interrupted the blonde, Tony finally breaking forcing words out from between each laugh. "We-we have kno-own ab-bout Thanos fo-or yehehehears."

The demigods traded glances, not knowing what to do with that information. Annabeth's hand flexed around the hilt of her dagger, anger showing clear and true. "I wouldn't advise that, honey. I have twenty seven weapons concealed upon my person at the current moment. Three would be sheathed within your body before you could even take out of your dagger, princess." EctoCore said steadily, blank eyes that hid their true fury stared at Annabeth, willing her to move.

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