Play Date With Grown Adults (And One Tony Stark)

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Once Steve and Percy talked through what they would then be doing, they gathered everyone's attention.

"Okay. Everything will start tomorrow." Steve took charge seeing as not everyone fully trusted Percy yet. "Tomorrow we will do my hobby, drawing, along with Natasha and Wanda's hobby which is dancing."

At this some people groaned, despairing at having to dance. Steve continued. "Day two will be about running, which is Pietro's hobby." At this Sam threw his hands up in the air muttering about lefts. "Day three will be all about flying which was requested by Thor, Sam, and Rhodey. We will be doing trust exercises, everyone catching each other no matter if they can fly or not. You can never know when you can't fly anymore."

The Avengers looked attentive as Steve told them the rest of the schedule. "Day four consists of visiting the animal shelter for Clint, Bruce, and Bucky along with building and constructing things for Vision and Tony."

Percy then took the lead. "Day five I will tell you all my background story. I can tell you guys want to know why I was held by HYDRA and why I seem so mysterious and closed off. You all have probably have told each other your life stories already. Heck you knew Vision since the day he was born!" A few chuckled were heard. "Day six through nine we will be fighting together each other and against each other so we can get used to each other's fighting styles and adapt to each other."

Again groans were heard. Steve then popped back up from where he sat down. "We can all hang out and watch a few movies right now or you can go and rest. Nat said that we are gonna watch Little Shop Of Horrors."

Everyone was woken up at eight in the morning for the start of the activity week. When the groggy adults arrived they saw that in the main living room all of the furniture were pushed to the walls.

As everyone sat on the floor and Steve was giving everyone a plate of pancakes, Percy came running in with a half awake Clint on her back. She deposited the man on the floor before taking some pancakes and sitting between Wanda and Pietro.

Everyone ate in silence, quickly demolishing the army of pancakes. "Okay." Steve said, "Each person can start out with some paper and pencils and you can start sketching. If you want to paint I have a few canvases and oil and watercolor paints. I also have Sharpies, extra pencils, inking pens, colored pencils, and erasers should anyone need anything."

They all scrambled for a pencil and a piece of paper, quickly starting to draw. Sometime in the middle of drawing, Stark turned on some music and began to rock out while sketching.

A few hours went by and conversations naturally popped up. They went from favorite animals, to different weapons, then to cute animals, and finally to how to fight while animals are involved. Don't ask how they got from one topic to another. Just blame Clint and Sam.

As everyone came to a stop, the room quieted. Steve volunteered to show his first. "I drew all of us, together, while we were drawing."

Vision then spoke up. "I believe that is what is called inception Steve." At that everyone laughed and the sharing continued clockwise.

Nat showed an oil painting of worn, light pink ballet shoes on a dark brown wood floor.

Clint went next, proudly showing off his REALLY crudely drawn dog. At this Percy burst out laughing, showing her painting. It was with watercolors and a black outline. The painting was a much better rendition of Clint's drawing. The dog was a yellow dog with a white muzzle, tail, and socks.

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