Everything Goes to the Pool

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Hello all! Thank you so much for the support! This chapter is dedicated to my in real life friend SweetGabby124 ! Big thanks to her for encouraging me and not punching me (or killing me) when I let her read some parts of chapters later on in the story that I had written up already. Ps the picture is the one I drew of the 'assassin sandwich' that people wanted to see from a few chapters earlier.

Enjoy! -Tug


Percy stopped the group before they opened the doors and entered the base. "I just want all of you to know that we are a bit early- Fury, the Director of S.H.E.I.L.D., has a meeting with a few important people that he has to finish up- and those things tend to drag on for a while. Another order of business that I have to address is that people won't recognize you or go out of their way to talk to you. They all have their own things that they have to attend to and it is not in their business to inquire about things, or people, that are clearly above their pay grade. On the other hand, seeing as I am a higher ranking agent and not a guest, I will have many people come up to me or ask for help. I kindly offer my help to those who need it because even if we are a spy agency, we are very close to one another. Many hours stuck in the same compound and on missions forces us to build close relationships. Hopefully you won't mind taking a few pit stops if something comes up. If you do, Captain Rogers here would be happy to escort you to the empty meeting room for you to wait in."

The assembled people shook their heads, not wanting to be cooped up in one room for too long. Percy smiled at their assent, turned around, and unlocked the doors to enter the base. The inside was mainly grays, silvers, and blacks, while navy blues of the agent's uniforms and the electric blues of screens broke up the monochromatic color scheme. An agent immediately made a beeline for Percy, handing her off three tablets before heading off in the opposite direction just as quickly. Percy handed off one to Bucky and the other to Steve while keeping the last one for herself.

A few taps here and there allowed Percy to figure out what she needed to accomplish. "This way if you will." Percy opened up the doors to the training room, where there were roughly two dozen new agents

Suddenly Percy was tackled by a red blurred figure. "DOCTORRRRR!" Percy quickly corrected her stance in order to not stumble and fall over.

"Hey Harkness. Why are you here and terrorizing the newbies? I know that it can be quite amusing but it would be so painful to have to fill out all of that paperwork. So what's really wrong Red? I heard about what had happened. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine baby girl. I just have an eternal playback of either 'Papa Can You Hear Me?' or maybe one from Celine Dion- I'm not sure what it is but I feel like it was made for me. ANYways, I wanted to check on you sugar bear."

"I know you are bullshitting me Wade." Percy crossed her arms, glaring slightly at the Merc with a Mouth.

Trying one last time to distract the woman in front of him, Wade looked over her shoulder and gasped. "OH! Its them! The Guardians of the whatever!" Shifting along the line of people. "And the Wizard!. And- oh. The Assholes! No one likes you! You don't even go here! Go awAY!"

Glancing back once again, Percy still glaring. "Ugh, fine. The voices and my skin. Plus my Ness. Death is such a nice lady but I still miss my Vanessa. And then the purple Cable just had to come in. He just has a discount arm with some cheap bedazzling! Like seriously could the executives not afford something with more umph? Oh well, I guess that to get the pretty orange one he threw his chair off the cliff- ooh I know the heartbreak that he goes through. Maybe he just wants all the chairs to himself and that is why he wants to go all psycho murderer on us. Anyways, I'm getting off topic, or maybe the writer just wants to put in some bad jokes in there in hopes that people would still read this." The Guardians exchanged glances at the marathon of words that was just spilling out of the man's mouth. "Ooooooo- marathon, I like it. Still. you aren't originally in this universe so you are more quiet and I just need that. Please, pretty please, with some extra murder on top for you favorite X-Man?"

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