Is This What You Were Excited About?

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I just got a drawing tablet for Christmas! I know it is not the best but here is what I drew! (It is also somewhat the reason why this chapter was a few days late- I also wrote a few thousand more words than usual just for you guys to make up for it) (This chapter is actually twice the size of the normal word count that I usually aim for :D) 

I hope that you all had a happy whatever holiday you celebrated or if you don't celebrate anything, I hope that you were safe, warm, and happy! Happy New Year and I hope that this chapter is all that you could have wanted!


"Come on, I don't have time for this," growled Percy as she brought both of her legs up and kicked the agent that held her by her throat in the stomach. The man dropped and Percy easily landed solidly on her feet.

She then kicked him in the head, knocking the man out. She quickly took the man's gun and taser, tossing the gun to a passing Black Widow without looking. The taser was then jammed into the neck of another HYDRA agent, the woman convulsing and the collapsing.

The Avengers had been fighting the HYDRA agents for a solid half hour, but more and more kept on coming. There was so many guards and to much security for the base to simply be abandoned. They had been sent to possibly get more intel on the experiments that they had conducting on both Bucky and the Maximoff twins. There were whispers that they had possibly acquired more subjects to test on.

"Shit." Percy swore as her head was almost taken off of her shoulders as Steve's shield was launched at her. Steve catapulted himself over Percy's crouched form, caught the shield and then drop kicked the agent that threw his shield. At the same time, Percy shot three agents in their legs with her stolen gun; they went down like dominoes.

"Stark have you found something yet? Please tell me you did. I'm- oh fuck" Percy cursed, activating her shield and pulling Clint behind her as a small IED was thrown in her direction.

"Its taking a bit longer tha- grunt- than usual by J is having fun with it." Tony sighted a dozen soldiers with his HUD display in his helmet. His shoulder popped up and small rockets quickly flew out and hit some of the heavier hitters. Cap opened his mouth to scold Tony for his rashness- they were in a close space after all- but Tony growled and cut the man off. "Shut up Steve. You can scold all you want after the battle. But I took out twelve agents, so your ungrateful ass is welcome. I know what I'm doing Spangles."

Steve was lost for words for a few moments, but simply shook his head and threw himself back into the fray. He would ream Tony out for that later.

The next few moments were a blur. All Percy really knew was slashing, dodging, punching, blocking, and kicking. Just as she was about to bury her knife into someone's kidney, her hair was grabbed and pulled. Immediately, Percy used her hands to press the hand to her scalp before suddenly dropping. The hand let go due to the awkward angle. Normally, she would just run, but she was in a battle and had to take this person out a fight. So, she kept a firm grip on the hand as she spun around and got back to standing. She then grabbed the man's elbow to keep it straight as she pressed his hand back. Just as she heard a snap and a scream, Percy kicked his knee in, causing another snap as the man fell. Quickly, the man was kicked aside to allow another agent to take his place.

Kick. Punch. Slash. Repeat. Claw. Dodge. Jab. Repeat. A bigger man quickly made her way to the front. "Ah. The soldier and the battery are back. Did you miss HYDRA that much?" Suddenly hands grabbed her and held her in place. "Then today is your lucky day, pretty girl." Then man grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. "I just might want to play with you for a while before the scientists get their hands back on you. But for now you just have to watch as your team falls apart around you."

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