The Bitch Came Back

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Hello. I hope you enjoy. And yes I drew this. These are the girls dresses.

Everyone was awake. They, meaning all but Percy, had been fed and watered by Steve who had made waffles with either coffee, water, or orange juice to drink. Percy ran out of the elevator with Mrs. O'Leary running behind. The woman suddenly dropped down to one knee, back bent a bit so Mrs. O'Leary could use her back as a vault so she could get the grey colored toy that Percy threw.

The Labrador caught the  toy and sank her teeth deep into it, growling from the bottom of her throat, the growl oddly instilling total and utter fear into all present bar Percy. Even the assassins felt the biting teeth of fear, but Natasha and Clint both knew why. Mrs. O'Leary was a hellhound through and through, no matter her disguised size. The terror due to the beasts and other monsters had ingrained itself into the humans psyche, passed down through their ancestors as means of survival, human or not.

Then the black dog stopped once Percy muttered a command in a different language, sitting at attention with the grey object in her mouth, teeth still firmly gripping onto the fluff, a hint of her hellhound strength showing through. As Percy calmly walked over to her dog and took the toy, the Avengers saw the little SHIELD vest that was secured around the pup, the simple vest answering the question of 'what the hell was that?'.

Stuffing the toy into her back pocket, the Avengers took the sight of their laid back, yet mysterious comrade in. Her hair was in its usual waves, freckles showing up on her tanned skin. She wore a simple blue flannel, some jeans, and a pair of black ballet flats.

"Hello misfi-" Percy was cut off by JARVIS calling out.

"Agent Jackson, Fury would like to inform you that there is a Code Dust just outside of the Tower, just a few blocks away."

Immediately, Natasha took a gun from who knows where. It was mainly black with some bronze detailing. Anyone who knew that gun knew that Natasha was very protective of it, yet she was never seen using it. The last time someone wanted to check it out, they got stabbed with the nearest sharp object- a fork. As Natasha checked the bullets, showing the odd bronzed colored pieces to the team, Tony drew his right hand back and rubbed the top of his hand.

The red head the threw the gun at Percy, the black haired woman easily catching it and headed back to the elevator, shouting a few words in the same language as before. Hearing those words, Mrs. O'Leary immediately began herding the adults into the game movie theatre room, nudging Clint to lock the door.

There was only one exit and the walls were thick as to block out outside sounds. She made rounds around the room, growling whenever someone tried to go to the door. Fifteen minutes later there was a complicated series of knocks, causing the Labrador pup to nudge Clint to get up and unlock the door. Percy was revealed, some remnants of gold dust shining in her hair. The woman was a bit roughed up, bruises and some scrapes from the concrete streets on New York.

She crouched, careful of her sore limbs and looked at the still taught Mrs. O'Leary. Yet again, Percy muttered something in that weird language. This time, it caused Mrs. O'Leary to brighten and bark, butt going into the air, front legs splayed out in play position. The pup then shot off, Percy chasing after her.

This time, Pietro was the one that had an outburst. But luckily, it was what everyone wanted to know. "What thE HECK WAS THAT?"

Clint smirked as they watched as Percy was eating cereal like a pro as she ran around with her dog chasing after her. "Code Dust is a code, of course, about a group of people/things that Percy has to take down. This group is often after Percy because of her family, but SHIELD has Percy hidden well. This group are really monstrous and cruel, so Percy is often excused to go take them down when they somehow find her. She has been hunted since she was just a baby." The Avengers stood taking it in, Thor looking slightly suspicious.

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