It's A Dogs Life

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Mrs. O'Leary POV

I stretched. No matter how long I stayed in this small from seconds-minutes-hours-days-weeks-months-years I would never get used to it. The good thing to come of this was that I could stay closer to my-little-one and her friends red-danger-woman and dog-lover-archer.

I sniffed the air, feeling my-little-one's pain. Oh today was going to be a bad day. I hopped up and got clothes and towels for my-little-one. I nudged her out of bed, staying by her leg to offer support.

To help with healing my-little-one, big-good-SHIELD trained me to be a 'service dog'. I was much smarter, but it looked good and I could go places as a registered service dog. That way I could always protect my-little-one, whether it be from physical dangers or mental ones. I then trained in battle with commands. I was instructed that only a few people could command me.

A heard the shower turn off as my-little-one dressed and came back out. My-little-one grabbed my service dog harness, cementing in my mind today was going to be a trying one. After dressing me in my harness- a blue one that my-little-one told me said "Service Dog. Please Do Not Touch," she also made sure that my registration papers were in a built in pocket. Finally, my-little-one attached my leash, and we were good to go.

We headed out to the pack-room where pack-people were sitting and eating. Dog-lover-archer took one look at my-little-one and tossed a bottle of pills at my-little-one. They were given to her by Apollo when she sent a letter out to the god inquiring for help about her old-pain-flashback attacks. The attacks had gone down as the years went on, but the few that she did have were awful. So she only took the pills when her attacks came. And because of those filthy-traitor-halfbloods, arriving at the party, she relapsed.

My-little-one poured out two golden pills. They were made of Ambrosia and infused with Apollo's-healing-power. Red-danger-woman gave her water in a cup.

"Do you want to do anything Sweetheart? We can lead ourselves in training and I am sure that Nat and Clint can show us how you fight so we can learn your style. That way you can get your mind off whatever is hurting you and we can continue working as a team." Surprisingly, it was Genius-wise-mechanic who talked to my-little-one, crouching down in front of her. He didn't touch her. As if knowing that any touch my-little-one received would cause her lightning-pain.

My-little-one nodded, wanting to be able to do something other than sit around and let the pain fester. She usually went out for a walk, did small chores, or sketched.

"Do you want to go for a grocery run? One of us can go with you to help. Or you can all one of your secret agent friends."

My-little-one croaked out "Coulson" before she fell silent once again. Better-than-Zeus stepped forward and gave my-little-one a list as silver-sassy-runner called father-figure-Coulson.

After that, it was all just about waiting. Luckily, waiting allowed my-little-one's medicine to kick in somewhat. But soon enough father-figure-Coulson arrived, ready to help me take care of my-little-one as we go to the store. As pack-people said their goodbyes and see ya laters, we went into the elevator. Just before the doors closed I barked once, saying farewell.

Once outside, I turned into what my-little-one called 'Agent Mode'. I normally would go up to people, wanting to cheer the sad ones up and make the positive ones happier when I begged for pettings from them. But now, I was alert, my whole being tuned into my-little-one and her needs. I didn't stray away from my-little-one, nor did I let my attention drop. I had a job to do, and I was going to do it well.

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