STARK Industries is a Cult

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To say that Stark Industries was normal was far from the truth. While to the world SI was just an amazingly innovative and excellent business mogul, Stark Industries was a cult through and through. If outsiders truly knew, then they would think SI would go figurative Skynet on their asses. But SI was nothing if not secretive- even the bitter ex-employees refused to say anything on the topic lest they either get sued for every penny they've got and ridiculed for being crazy. Ex-employees who parted on good terms happily helped in fabricating that the bad eggs were simply revenge driven and spouting nonsense.

Now that we've got that covered, it's time to move onto Stark Industries' Unspoken Rules that someone had written down in a firewall covered shared Stark Document; it was unsaid that JARVIS was the one who fortified it.


----SI Nuances----

--SI may seem like a normal business- as much as a worldwide multibillion-dollar company owned by Tony Stark and led by Pepper Potts could be; but it isn't. STARK Industries is a cult and that's that and it cannot be changed.

Former Agent Davidson, having quit SHIELD when Tony Stark revealed that he had stopped the leak of all SHIELD's information when Rogers and Romanoff had so graciously dumped the files with no regard to actually think of the fallout, had joined STARK Industries as a janitor for some of the R&D floors. He had his wife and their ten year old twins to worry about and he wasn't willing to risk his family. Luckily Stark promised that he would personally see to the removal of all files on his new employees from SHIELD if they chose to transfer over. While so many agents, after knowing that nothing got out thanks to Tony Stark, stayed with SHIELD, a few thousand agents chose to go to SI or accept the help that had been offered to transfer to another job. Stark gladly paid for everything and did everything himself.

Anyways, when he was being led around the floors, the small, mousy woman who was leading him never even flinched at the explosions and cursing, nor did she even skip a stride as she smoothly pulled him to duck at the same time she did when a flying projectile came at them. She never hesitated or stopped, simply continuing on unfazed. There were tired scientists in a huddle, murmuring to some electronic to work. A R&D worker flew past them, looking scared and shouting apologies as an angry coworker chased them down with a fire extinguisher, yelling something about 'you breaking something for the fourth time this week'. It was a Tuesday.

When Martin Davidson asked about that, his tour guide Suzie just waved off his concern. "You'll get used to it. Jack tends to be a little more careless than warranted and annoys his partner he's collaborating with. Poor Luther, he's on the edge of his rope and the project is due by the end of the work week."

Honestly, Martin thought to himself, SI was a cult. It worried him that he heard no whispers of this in SHIELD.

--SI will protect their own- from janitors to legal. If you are an SI employee, you are family. Every department will be up in arms for you.

Lexi was a new employee at STARK Industries. She was fresh out of college with a law degree and was looking forward to working in the Law department. The senior advisor that was currently on this floor (there were multiple senior advisors for each floor to help guide everyone or provide help) suddenly burst in with some papers in hand. "You know that new janitor Davidson? He was cornered by his former partner from SHIELD who was mad at him for leaving. Lets let him know that you don't mess with what's ours."

Lexi was honestly scared and grateful that she was now a part of SI and that she was not the one Legal was going after.

--The rubber ducks are sacred. You may admire other's ducks, but never touch them without permission. This is enforced on pain of death. (There are more rules on this further into the document)

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