Chapter Five: The Truth

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Hey guys!! I'm here with the newest chapter of The Raven!

Hope you enjoy it!

More tomorrow!

Chapter Five: The Truth

Nathaniel dropped what he’d been doing in the fire and came over to my side, sitting face-to-face with me.

“Now, listen carefully.” He started and I braced myself for the priceless truth.

“You’re the only rightful heir to the throne.” He whispered.

“What?” I stared in disbelief. I was a what?

“You’re the rightful heir to the throne.” He repeated. My jaw dropped. Everything he had said so far had been the truth, so I assumed this was true too, but me? An heir?”

“But how me?”

He hesitated, but I pleaded with my eyes.

“Prince Julian isn’t the King’s son. The queen had or has an affair with one of the King’s squires. Julian was conceived when the King was away in war. But he turned a blind eye on it and believed the Queens lies. Now, the truth will soon come clear, the boy’s starting to look exactly like the squire. The King is still deceiving himself. After Julian, you’re the only one who can rightfully assume the throne. And the fact is concrete; he is not the King’s son. He is a bastard born of the seemingly-virtuous Queen and a lying squire. Your father knew, but before the news could be spread, he died.” His voice grew smaller at the mention of my father, the younger brother to the King.

“Miss Moore, I’m sorry to spring the news onto you, but you are to be a Queen.” He said, silencing me. His gaze lingered on my face, as I stared into the fire. This could not be happening.

“Who else knows?” I mumbled, numb from the newest discovery.

“No more than five people Miss Moore, but it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out either. As I said, the boy is the direct copy of the squire. If one thought about it long enough, one will see the truth.”

“What happens to me now? What’s next?” I asked, my eyes getting dry and teary from the heat of the fire.

“Scotland, for now. Then we’ll see. My master shall decide.” He said, his expression soft.

“Who is your master?”

“You will see yourself when the time is right.” He nodded once slowly and got up from where he sat, in a catlike manner, stretching lazily.

For the next couple of hours, none of us spoke, except about food and to plan our journey. We had wild berries and Nathaniel tried to hunt for a rabbit but it was too cold for rabbits outside.

He decided which route we were going to take. His maps were all hand drawn and looked expensive.

He had to be someone who had been in war before. I looked at him as he read the maps, his mouth moving, his look on the maps determined, unwavering.

“Have you been to war?” I asked, unable to disguise my curiosity.

“That’s not a very appropriate question to ask Miss Moore. War is not a concern for a Lady such as you.” He said.

“Excuse me Mr. Greene, I didn’t mean to pry.” I blushed. But I’d distracted him. He stopped revolving around the maps and stared down at a fixed point.

“Yes, I’ve been to war.” He said after a while. I looked up and listened.

“What is it like?”

He looked up at me bewildered, looking genuinely taken aback by my question. He didn’t expect this from me. Eventually, his expression softened.

“It’s worse than anything you can ever imagine.” He said; his words barely audible. “Too much blood and death, too many wasted lives, too much crying, grief, anger, revenge, corruption. Too much futility.” He said, staring at something in the distance.

“I’m sorry…” I said, wishing I could take his pain away. Wishing I could help.

He shook his head slowly, “You have nothing to be sorry about. Not a thing.”

I stood beside him, looking at the maps, both of us preoccupied by other thoughts than out journey.

“Thank you.” He said softly.

“For what?”

“For listening.” He said, and looked over my side, giving me a sad smile. My heartbeat sped up. Something moved inside me. Something felt alive. Unsure, I smiled back.

“Right, where were we?” He asked, once again putting his mind to work. I left him to it and went for a small stroll around the clearing. He had smiled at me.

After noon, we set off. The horse ride was awkward, but I didn’t fall off this time. He was a very skilled rider. We didn’t talk at all during the journey. Occasionally, we got off the horse, most of the time I rode only, some only him. We rode together for a few times only. The horse was still a living thing it needed a break.

“We might spend this night at an inn somewhere.” Nathaniel announced as it was growing darker.

That was a relief. I was worn out after all this travelling and sleeping in the forest. A woman needed her comfort. 

Sorry it's a bit short, but I was busy, had an exam today.

Longer chapter tomorrow! Thanks for the support and patience! :)

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