I have a peerage 

510 6 2

Mrs. Hyoudou: Jason Issei it's time to get up and get ready to go to school

Issei: just a second mom(he turns to you) why is she in your bed? Why were you having sex with her?

Rias: excuse me

Jason: first of all this never happened and second of all, you don't know nothing (you turn to Rias) quick, put this blanket over you

You put the blanket over her and  Issei was helping you and your stepmom came in on three of you

Mrs Hyoudou: good morning boys how are you today?

She sees you both on top of  Rias with the blanket

Mrs Hyoudou: boys breakfast is on the table and Jason you're naked

She walks out the door of your room 

Mrs Hyoudou: do you know what he's doing up there?

Mr Hyoudou: what is this time is Issei looking at girly magazines again

Mrs Hyoudou: it's not just that it's Jason to these two bring a girl over and they having a threesome with their

Mr Hyoudou: that is a bold face lie she's not even real

Mrs Hyoudou: eight is real she is upstairs in Jason's room, naked

Then issei fell to the ground

Jason: I blame you for this little bro

Issei: me, this is not my fault

Jason: like hell it is, you were sitting at the door you just had to come over here help me with Rias

Issei: do you know what this Means

Jason:🤦🏽‍♂️ you better not say it

Issei: if you guys were doing it, that means this could've been a porno and I could've had a camera

You then punch issei in the face

Rias: oh, my

Issei: what did I do?

Jason: for being a pervert you idiot

Rias: it's quite a party in the morning Internet isn't

Jason: how did you get here? And you're not covered up anymore

Rias: yes, I know

Jason: will you please put your clothes on

Rias: do you want me to scan them so you get a better view?

Issei: yes, please and thank you

Jason: shut up, you're making it worse

She then stand up

Jason: please don't tell me this is happening girls don't do that girls don't do this. Why is this happening This is not happening I must be dreaming (you turn to issei) would you please stop staring at her

Rias: I agree with him. Can you please stop staring

Issei: oh my gosh, I have so many pictures to take send me to heaven

You punched him again

Issei: why do you always have to keep hitting me?

Jason: because you deserved it

She then puts her underwear on

Rias: better how is your body feel?

Jason: it's fine, wait a minute

Short flashback

You had a flashback about you and  Dohnaseek and your secret gear activating on its own

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